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15 Aug 2024
@diamondburned:matrix.orgdiamondburnedone of the 204:00:56
@_discord_206794847581896705:t2bot.iokar I guess I'm gonna try clearing all signatures 06:02:32
❯ sbctl status
Installed:      ✓ sbctl is installed
Owner GUID:     c37bb10d-0390-4f4a-88ce-589f2b75b232
Setup Mode:     ✓ Disabled
Secure Boot:    ✓ Enabled
Vendor Keys:    microsoft

well that was just it
@_discord_206794847581896705:t2bot.iokar thanks db 07:08:30
@_discord_384267923948306433:t2bot.ioyep, april showers changed their profile picture.13:02:36
23 Aug 2024
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.23:35:01
26 Aug 2024
@_discord_384267923948306433:t2bot.ioyep, april showers changed their profile picture.15:41:49
4 Sep 2024
@_discord_384267923948306433:t2bot.ioyep, april showers changed their profile picture.05:14:06
5 Sep 2024
@cidkid:matrix.orgDylan changed their profile picture.15:03:46
7 Sep 2024
@_discord_662688615071088685:t2bot.iofournightsgamer changed their profile picture.02:43:44
10 Sep 2024
@_discord_140282920995782656:t2bot.iolawn shark changed their display name from fedorable to fractionally scaled.14:17:54
11 Sep 2024
@_discord_387062216030945281:t2bot.iobrycensranch joined the room.11:34:18
12 Sep 2024
@_discord_384267923948306433:t2bot.ioyep, april showers changed their profile picture.02:22:41
13 Sep 2024
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.07:16:11
14 Sep 2024
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.20:26:24
16 Sep 2024
@_discord_608442079323881473:t2bot.iomelody.notpond how do you disable the compose key? 19:39:54
@_discord_608442079323881473:t2bot.iomelody.notpond (it uses alt in tmux but alt is being used as the compose key (it thinks??) and idk how to stop it) 19:40:27
@_discord_608442079323881473:t2bot.iomelody.notpond o wait its altgr not compose 20:09:50
17 Sep 2024
@scouri:cat.casascouri changed their profile picture.02:02:19
@whl:matrix.orgwwhl joined the room.09:25:16
@protheory8-new:matrix.org@protheory8-new:matrix.org joined the room.13:14:25
@protheory8-new:matrix.org@protheory8-new:matrix.org joined the room.13:14:58
@protheory8-new:matrix.org@protheory8-new:matrix.org left the room.13:15:10
@nitr050:matrix.orgnitr050 joined the room.17:31:21
18 Sep 2024
@_discord_735247376025124994:t2bot.io1m_50rry joined the room.09:32:37
@biswajitn05:matrix.orgbiswajitn05 joined the room.09:58:20
@_discord_129251996942204928:t2bot.iomoni changed their profile picture.11:14:48
@_discord_735247376025124994:t2bot.io1m_50rry 12:13:19
@_discord_227020635317075969:t2bot.io_haylin joined the room.22:23:24
21 Sep 2024
@ldilley:matrix.org@ldilley:matrix.org left the room.01:01:06

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