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18 Apr 2024
@_discord_119338171140931584:t2bot.ioindigolaser can't: company property and I don't have the say 23:44:28
@umu:catnip.eeumudo they have uart usb memes?23:45:04
@lily:colonthr.eelilyi see two options here 1) find a monitor and keybaord 2) connect it to a network with DHCP23:45:28
@lily:colonthr.eelilyconnecting it to a computer directly wont work since the pi has to be configured beforehand to make it work23:46:16
@_discord_119338171140931584:t2bot.ioindigolaser Alright thanks guys I'll figure it out eventually, or my boss will figure it out eventually that I'm not cut for this job. 23:46:19
@umu:catnip.eeumuwgmi gamer23:46:36
@umu:catnip.eeumuask ur boss why they dont have uart adapters kek23:46:51
4: br-433d12220061: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default 
    link/ether 02:42:6c:67:ea:09 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global br-433d12220061
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::42:6cff:fe67:ea09/64 scope link proto kernel_ll 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Is this relevant?
@umu:catnip.eeumutheres the br23:53:10
@umu:catnip.eeumuhell yeah23:53:11
@umu:catnip.eeumukk now u gotta uhhh23:53:43
@umu:catnip.eeumusudo tcpdump -i br-433d1222006123:54:02
@umu:catnip.eeumuand look for the ip addr of th epi23:54:11
@umu:catnip.eeumu state DOWN tho 23:55:40
@_discord_119338171140931584:t2bot.ioindigolaser nothing happens 23:55:41
@umu:catnip.eeumutry this meme23:57:13
@umu:catnip.eeumufr tho ur boss should have these if u guys r working with pie memes https://www.adafruit.com/product/95423:59:42
19 Apr 2024
@_discord_119338171140931584:t2bot.ioindigolaser I don't think that br-* was relevant as it stayed when I unplugged eth 00:00:29
@umu:catnip.eeumunvm that was kinda dumb00:02:30
@umu:catnip.eeumui send a tutorial without reading it entirely00:02:38
In reply to @umu:catnip.ee
i send a tutorial without reading it entirely
so real
@umu:catnip.eeumudoes ur work laptop have ufw>?00:07:04

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