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18 Apr 2024
@umu:catnip.eeumuu can chang epie config meme in sdcard i think23:30:00
@_discord_119338171140931584:t2bot.ioindigolaser It's connected to my computer, no Wifi 23:30:05
@umu:catnip.eeumuis ur ethernet set to a bridge interface meme?23:30:32
@_discord_119338171140931584:t2bot.ioindigolaser Right now it's set to Shared to other computers 23:31:54
@umu:catnip.eeumutype uhhh 23:32:39
@umu:catnip.eeumuip addr23:32:43
@umu:catnip.eeumuand find the # interface for et23:33:18
@umu:catnip.eeumuthen nmap /32 the addr23:33:46
2: enp0s31f6: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether e8:80:88:f1:0b:e9 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
@umu:catnip.eeumuis there a br interface?23:35:13
@umu:catnip.eeumubr0 or somehting23:35:28
@_discord_88719283227471872:t2bot.iolilyRedacted or Malformed Event23:36:07
@lily:colonthr.eelilythe pi might need to be configured with an ip address beforehand23:36:36
@umu:catnip.eeumuthis too if u wanna kek 23:36:43
@lily:colonthr.eelilyif there's nothing important on it i'd just reflash the SD card23:37:10
@lily:colonthr.eelilythe pi tool has options to do that23:37:24
@lily:colonthr.eelily* the pi flashing tool has options to do that23:37:30


Name=<pis eth>

Address=<The pis network ip connected to bridge>
Gateway=<Your computers ip meme for bridge>

@umu:catnip.eeumuwill take precedence over network manager i think23:38:58
@umu:catnip.eeumuooo ye23:40:11
@umu:catnip.eeumuu can also use tio23:40:15
@umu:catnip.eeumuusermod -aG dialout $USER tio /dev/ttyUSB023:41:14
@umu:catnip.eeumuidk if pie even has support for this tho23:41:22
@umu:catnip.eeumuover 23:42:25
@umu:catnip.eeumuu need uart maybe23:42:29
@umu:catnip.eeumu * then nmap /24 the addr23:43:55
@umu:catnip.eeumuthen nmap /24 the addr* 23:43:59

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