
Linux Guides - News

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1 May 2024
@buddy:tchncs.de@buddy:tchncs.de left the room.07:47:50
2 May 2024
@lunanu:matrix.orgLunanu changed their profile picture.17:12:21
22 May 2024
@michael_kraft_aka_saintofsinner:matrix.orgmichael_kraft_aka_saintofsinner changed their profile picture.16:57:34
28 May 2024
@thomas_wirth:tchncs.dethomas joined the room.07:49:28
1 Jun 2024
@curny77:matrix.orgcurny77 joined the room.09:48:45
4 Jun 2024
@gitcookie:tchncs.degitcookie joined the room.16:03:38
15 Jun 2024
@sakul26:matrix.orgsakul26 joined the room.11:21:16
16 Jun 2024
@ronin3125:matrix.org@ronin3125:matrix.org joined the room.09:11:38
@ronin3125:matrix.org@ronin3125:matrix.org set a profile picture.11:35:21
18 Jun 2024
@ronin3125:matrix.org@ronin3125:matrix.org changed their display name from ronin3125 to oli.11:01:26
@ronin3125:matrix.org@ronin3125:matrix.org changed their display name from oli to Ronin.11:01:43
19 Jun 2024
@ronin3125:matrix.org@ronin3125:matrix.org left the room.19:25:11
23 Jun 2024
@markus-ruderman:matrix.orgmarkus-rm joined the room.11:37:09
@markus-ruderman:matrix.orgmarkus-rm changed their display name from markus-ruderman to markus-rm.12:10:37
24 Jun 2024
@wuthuhn:matrix.org@wuthuhn:matrix.org joined the room.13:12:59
30 Jun 2024
@jurcheck:matrix.orgjurcheck joined the room.08:55:03
@mycaputh:matrix.orgRalf joined the room.15:34:02
1 Jul 2024
@bellgardt:matrix.tu-berlin.de@bellgardt:matrix.tu-berlin.de left the room.10:47:09
3 Jul 2024
@othala74:matrix.org@othala74:matrix.org changed their profile picture.20:52:48
5 Jul 2024
@fengit:matrix.org@fengit:matrix.org left the room.11:59:15
@casperleg:matrix.orgcasperleg joined the room.16:33:14
@vonderbeeck:matrix.orgvonderbeeck joined the room.21:08:49
22 Jul 2024
@silversurfer7408:matrix.orgsilversurfer7408 joined the room.08:43:19
23 Jul 2024
@silversurfer7408:matrix.orgsilversurfer7408 set a profile picture.05:22:56
@silversurfer7408:matrix.orgsilversurfer7408 removed their profile picture.05:23:04
@silversurfer7408:matrix.orgsilversurfer7408 set a profile picture.05:32:30
@silversurfer7408:matrix.orgsilversurfer7408 changed their profile picture.05:32:52
@silversurfer7408:matrix.orgsilversurfer7408 changed their profile picture.05:33:13
24 Jul 2024
@wuthuhn:matrix.org@wuthuhn:matrix.org left the room.07:36:59
25 Jul 2024
@othala74:matrix.org@othala74:matrix.org left the room.16:19:51

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