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29 Jul 2024
@jcarin:matrix.orgjcarin joined the room.19:14:02
30 Jul 2024
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyx joined the room.09:47:36
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyxIs this the right place to ask for help?09:48:00
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyxI'm having an issue with cactus on hugo, after completing the steps shown in the documentation the log in button remains disabled and the post button does not function10:05:07
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyx * I'm having an issue with cactus on hugo, after completing the steps shown in the documentation the post button remains disabled and the log in button does not function10:06:24
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2I don't have much time to help right now, but what do the js logs say? is it sending requests on the network?10:08:19
Download image.png
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2huh, I wonder...10:12:48
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2link to the page?10:13:17
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2best guess is that it's an error in the tiny js snippet you wrote somehow10:13:39
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyxI assume that's the case too, I'm not really a programmer I'm just trying to move my blog to hugo.10:14:41
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyxpage is https://uiyx.xyz/posts/introduction/10:17:06
@1337megah4x0rbyx0r:matrix.orgcary-elvistry to remove loginEnabled:!0,guestPostingEnabled:!0 ? i guess they change to true values lf you put them like that also10:27:15
@1337megah4x0rbyx0r:matrix.orgcary-elvisi don't have those so i guess they default to true10:28:20
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyxthey do, i put them there in an attempt to troubleshoot 10:29:46
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyxIs it possible the issue is related to the fact I'm hosting on github pages?10:30:14
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2I doubt it.. but I don't typically use github pages myself, so I don't want to rule it out entirely. but this really doesn't look like a security header situation or something like that10:31:03
@1337megah4x0rbyx0r:matrix.orgcary-elvisi just posted anonymously to your blog xD10:35:29
@1337megah4x0rbyx0r:matrix.orgcary-elvisi used ublock to allow all but cloudfare and jsdeliver. if you didn't change anything now, it's some of those10:36:17
@1337megah4x0rbyx0r:matrix.orgcary-elvisi mean cloudfare.com and jsdeliver.net are not allowed. everything else is. and i'm using ublock on advanced mode, so those are scripts10:39:41
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyxWeird, I have ublock disabled completely10:40:08
@1337megah4x0rbyx0r:matrix.orgcary-elvisi tried disabled also too and it didn't work. so, it's something is wrong with cloudfare or jsdeliver. i have no idea what10:41:07
@ser:sergevictor.eu@ser:sergevictor.euhuhu, external login (eg openid) still doesn't work. any plans to make it available? 10:43:33
In reply to @ser:sergevictor.eu
huhu, external login (eg openid) still doesn't work. any plans to make it available?
no active plans to make that work
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2but I mean, that would be cool. I'm not opposed to the idea10:44:09
In reply to @1337megah4x0rbyx0r:matrix.org
i tried disabled also too and it didn't work. so, it's something is wrong with cloudfare or jsdeliver. i have no idea what
That seems to work, very weird
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyxThanks for the hel10:44:17
@uiyxx:matrix.orgUiyx * Thanks for the help10:44:22
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2I'm just spending exactly 0 hours a month working on cactus at the moment 😅10:44:22

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