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Discussions related to Nim at FOSDEM (including any possible Nim FOSDEM dev rooms)12 Servers

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1 Dec 2021
@_discord_132595483838251008:t2bot.iodom96#7486 also, it's not past midnight on our server yet lol 23:15:54
@_discord_588390287810887693:t2bot.iopietroppeter#6737 ah yes UTC is still yesterday 23:19:51
@_discord_588390287810887693:t2bot.iopietroppeter#6737 I will actually go to bed now, this morning the kid woke me up at 3:30... 23:20:38
@_discord_132595483838251008:t2bot.iodom96#7486 oops, should have squashed the commits but oh well 23:25:46
@_discord_132595483838251008:t2bot.iodom96#7486 https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/8671 23:33:29
2 Dec 2021
@_discord_113818754764374024:t2bot.ioGyrfalcon joined the room.02:48:28
@_discord_588390287810887693:t2bot.iopietroppeter#6737 🚀 06:28:55
@_discord_170260267379195905:t2bot.ioSuperFola joined the room.07:39:26
@_discord_652971675662549003:t2bot.ioDarkSnake joined the room.11:23:43
@_discord_916001907502362695:t2bot.iofreeflow joined the room.16:24:54
@pietroppeter:matrix.orgPietro Peterlongo pmunch: seen your mail about CfP. On this devroom managers' (https://fosdem.org/2022/manuals/program/devroom/) manual (possibly not up to date), it is mentioned to send it to the newsletter, but you also find the link to the github repo of the website, so possibly there is some place where a PR could add CfP (but the fact is that the page where the devrooms are confirmed announced is non existing yet, so I guess we still miss the page on which we should do the PR against): https://github.com/FOSDEM/website 16:30:42
@pietroppeter:matrix.orgPietro PeterlongoI remember someone in matrix fosdem chat mentioning that this manual could use a PR to have it updated16:31:16
@pietroppeter:matrix.orgPietro Peterlongoah, no the accepted devroom page is up: https://fosdem.org/2022/news/2021-11-30-accepted-developer-rooms/16:32:26
@pietroppeter:matrix.orgPietro Peterlongoalthough is not so discoverable... (I think they should do an announcement about that)16:33:03
@pietroppeter:matrix.orgPietro Peterlongommh the commit that added that page shows that website must be accessing some db (a PR to add CfP I think is out of the question): https://github.com/FOSDEM/website/commit/b7b80ffbc79e5aa23925dbb307d7698611fe612a16:34:53
@pietroppeter:matrix.orgPietro Peterlongocreated a PR to fix the broken link: https://github.com/FOSDEM/website/pull/16516:39:32
@pietroppeter:matrix.orgPietro Peterlongoso I guess to have CfP published there we need to send to fosdem newsletter (I subscribed), you can see archive and example of CfP sent here: https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2021q4/thread.html16:42:44
@pietroppeter:matrix.orgPietro Peterlongomost of the links that appear link to the message sent to newsletter, but for example Zig of last year links to their announcement (which is probably what we would like to have to. not sure how to obtain that (we send only a link in the message?)16:46:56
@_discord_431798919719288832:t2bot.ioMichal58 changed their display name from Michal58 to Michal58#1417.17:41:05
@_discord_431798919719288832:t2bot.ioMichal58 changed their display name from Michal58#1417 to Michal58.17:41:07
@_discord_629764242475712522:t2bot.iofumamatar joined the room.19:26:53
@_discord_322034032537894925:t2bot.ioPacificador SA joined the room.21:47:53
@pietroppeter:matrix.orgPietro PeterlongoNim CFP is now linked in accepted devroom page (possibly thanks to an earlier mail of pmunch)22:06:24
@pmunch:fosdem.orgpmunchHmm, we should write a devroom description for the FOSDEM site as well22:27:15
@pmunch:fosdem.orgpmunchFor people browsing the rooms and later the schedule22:27:34
3 Dec 2021
@_discord_235904856106336257:t2bot.ioCypheriel joined the room.05:28:29
@_discord_132595483838251008:t2bot.iodom96#7486 hmm, just checked out Pentabarf 12:19:28
@_discord_132595483838251008:t2bot.iodom96#7486 Don't see any mention of the Nim dev room 12:19:39
@_discord_132595483838251008:t2bot.iodom96#7486 Do you guys see it anywhere? 12:19:44

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