
Antifa Proletariat prepping

322 Members
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30 Aug 2021
@_discord_413709353338667018:t2bot.io𖤐Comrade Edge𖤐 joined the room.19:53:59
@_discord_297442839690739713:t2bot.ioTurko changed their display name from Turko to Turko#0214.20:07:59
@_discord_297442839690739713:t2bot.ioTurko changed their display name from Turko#0214 to Turko.20:08:04
@_discord_835516585724739585:t2bot.ioЧёрный changed their display name from Чёрный to Чёрный#1918.22:33:38
@_discord_835516585724739585:t2bot.ioЧёрный changed their display name from Чёрный#1918 to Чёрный.22:33:43
@_discord_732164815543599205:t2bot.ioComrade Flanders joined the room.23:11:18
31 Aug 2021
@_discord_241337339765325825:t2bot.ioAster joined the room.05:34:53
@_discord_837650649046319125:t2bot.ioSpain but the s Is silent joined the room.07:06:04
@_discord_478755092905066497:t2bot.iogolden joined the room.07:06:22
@_discord_708861811771834479:t2bot.ioella joined the room.08:10:57
@_discord_530391832702746676:t2bot.iomrado joined the room.09:15:52
@_discord_486651735809589315:t2bot.io27651520 geese changed their display name from a plague doctor to 840 GEESE IN A MASK#7339.09:47:15
@_discord_486651735809589315:t2bot.io27651520 geese changed their display name from 840 GEESE IN A MASK#7339 to 840 GEESE IN A MASK.09:47:24
@_discord_486651735809589315:t2bot.io27651520 geese changed their display name from 840 GEESE IN A MASK to 1680 GEESE IN A MASK#7339.09:52:58
@_discord_486651735809589315:t2bot.io27651520 geese changed their display name from 1680 GEESE IN A MASK#7339 to 1680 GEESE IN A MASK.09:53:06
@_discord_333329951027757066:t2bot.ioConstance Markievicz This could lead to an explosively fun science experiment 😉

@_discord_333329951027757066:t2bot.ioConstance Markievicz (Depending on where you live, you can buy all the ingredients in your local supermarket. NO3 is sold as a preservative in a lot of places) 11:34:27
@_discord_708774832380051616:t2bot.ioMjdvision joined the room.11:36:05
@_discord_760594705829331044:t2bot.ioLilyisback2 joined the room.11:43:50
@_discord_486651735809589315:t2bot.io27651520 geese changed their display name from 1680 GEESE IN A MASK to 27651520 geese#7339.14:14:24
@_discord_486651735809589315:t2bot.io27651520 geese changed their display name from 27651520 geese#7339 to 27651520 geese.14:14:33
@_discord_353640209167941643:t2bot.ioDarrenGee joined the room.14:52:03
@_discord_860385416330084374:t2bot.ioSam (eaglesfly) r.i.p TKOR. His influence will live on. 16:48:27
@_discord_270021578987667457:t2bot.ioMagical Vanilla joined the room.16:50:33
@_discord_485852065965408266:t2bot.iospinal cörd joined the room.18:49:30
@_discord_212251268037476352:t2bot.iohazel joined the room.23:00:48
1 Sep 2021
@_discord_463076560367255603:t2bot.io☭Karl Marx☭ joined the room.00:41:48
@_discord_871389301072625726:t2bot.ioak74u electricBoogaloo{USKW} joined the room.01:23:09
@_discord_640583850665312266:t2bot.ioNexusDaGoat joined the room.01:25:33
@_discord_238629039500165120:t2bot.ioPigeons Suck joined the room.03:12:53

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