
FLOSS Friends

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9 Apr 2018
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.org So. Why does FLOSS need to persist with such shit UX? 00:11:02
@xincognito10:matrix.org@xincognito10:matrix.orgCuz, all the DEs and toolkits can't take their heads out of their ass long enough to shut up their ego and work together on building a decent one00:17:14
@xincognito10:matrix.org@xincognito10:matrix.orgSame with pretty much every other part of linux00:17:20
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.org Ok, but I'm talking more about individual tools and projects entirely unrelated to DEs... I use plenty of freeware on my Linux system that relies on the toolkits, and not only do they look good (good UI), they're usable (good UX). 00:20:11
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.orgAnd really, I care more about the UX, generally speaking, than the UI, anyway.00:20:44
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.orgIf I have to dig through three different screens to find a room ID, for example, then backtrack out of those screens to get back to the room itself, then backtrack to the main screen before I can switch rooms to paste the ID there... For one example.00:22:31
@xincognito10:matrix.org@xincognito10:matrix.orgI guess its cuz of the culture00:29:13
@xincognito10:matrix.org@xincognito10:matrix.orgWith proprietary apps, you have a customer that you depend on to make money.00:29:45
@xincognito10:matrix.org@xincognito10:matrix.org So if you're going to design an app, you better be damn well sure its easy to use 00:30:19
@xincognito10:matrix.org@xincognito10:matrix.orgAlso, those apps were designed specifically to be used by users00:30:33
@xincognito10:matrix.org@xincognito10:matrix.orgIn the floss world, its more along the lines of devs creating something for themselves, and deciding to share it, and because most of the floss communities are techies too, the apps are more focused on getting the job done, rather than uiux00:31:43
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.org I mean, I guess? But when I build stuff for _my_self, I make sure I'm not gonna hate actually using it... 03:34:43
12 Apr 2018
@freenode_danhunsaker:matrix.org@freenode_danhunsaker:matrix.org left the room.13:35:16
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.org left the room.17:36:03
19 Apr 2018
@xincognito10:matrix.org@xincognito10:matrix.org left the room.12:31:40
23 Apr 2018
@freenode_danhunsaker_:matrix.org@freenode_danhunsaker_:matrix.org left the room.09:22:21
26 Apr 2018
@freenode_PiDelport_:matrix.org@freenode_PiDelport_:matrix.org joined the room.05:01:04
@freenode_PiDelport_:matrix.org@freenode_PiDelport_:matrix.org left the room.22:33:04
28 Jun 2018
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their profile picture.01:15:07
31 Jul 2018
@Seylerius:matrix.orgPiratesYo. I'm not dead.23:34:08
@Seylerius:matrix.orgPiratesAm back now.23:34:21
@Seylerius:matrix.orgPiratesI was in jail. Then rehab. Now I23:34:50
@Seylerius:matrix.orgPiratesI'm in a halfway house.23:34:59
@Seylerius:matrix.orgPiratesAnd very sober.23:35:04
@Seylerius:matrix.orgPiratesBut enjoying it.23:35:07
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systemsYikes, well, glad you're pointed the right direction23:40:51
@Seylerius:matrix.orgPiratesYeah, I was pretty far in the wrong one. I robbed a back.23:41:06

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