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11 Oct 2017
@Seylerius:matrix.orgPiratesThe funny bit is that I've got basically no reason to play with PHP7. I'd only play with PHP if I was working with a pre-existing tool already written in it, and most of those will be written in pre-7 PHP.05:01:13
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.orgYou might be surprised, actually.05:01:39
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.org The push to upgrade packages to 7, and drop support for 5, has been really strong, and hasn't met near as much resistance as, say, Python 3.x. 05:02:17
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.org Even 5.6, though, is pretty solid. They spent most of 5 replacing the problems of 4 and earlier with intelligent designs, even doing BC breaking changes at point releases, so 5.3 and 5.2 aren't entirely compatible, etc. 5.6 is nearly 7.0 already, and 7.2 is nearly out. So 7+ support is pretty universal these days. 05:04:05
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.org (They skipped 6 because an earlier attempt, nearly a decade ago, IIRC, tanked so completely. They decided to start over with the version, and just called it 7 so folks would know it wasn't the same. Nearly complete rewrite of the engine, much more efficient and powerful, really very nice to use.) 05:06:22
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.orgAnd then modern frameworks like Laravel are designed not only to improve the overall dev experience, but also to take firm advantage of the latest feature set in more recent language releases. I believe Laravel 5.5 is PHP7+ only, for example.06:08:11
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.orgLike any language, it's not perfect, but most of what made PHP undesirable is gone.06:09:43
@Seylerius:matrix.orgPiratesIt's just that so many people use it wrong, then.06:10:00
@danhunsaker:matrix.org@danhunsaker:matrix.orgHell, Ruby is now worse in the same ways it was created to solve than PHP ever was in the first place. :/06:10:06
14 Oct 2017
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their profile picture.18:44:42
31 Oct 2017
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their profile picture.21:54:27
1 Nov 2017
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their display name from cybreghost ๐Ÿ’€๐ŸŒ to rrixย ๐Ÿ• ๐ŸŒŽ.15:57:21
5 Nov 2017
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their profile picture.17:05:18
13 Nov 2017
@freenode_PiDelport_:matrix.org@freenode_PiDelport_:matrix.org joined the room.21:46:58
@freenode_danhunsaker_:matrix.org@freenode_danhunsaker_:matrix.org joined the room.21:50:57
14 Nov 2017
@freenode_PiDelport_:matrix.org@freenode_PiDelport_:matrix.org left the room.04:23:08
@freenode_danhunsaker_:matrix.org@freenode_danhunsaker_:matrix.org left the room.04:23:08
20 Nov 2017
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their profile picture.03:08:43
29 Nov 2017
@ogien:matrix.org@ogien:matrix.org joined the room.00:13:06
@ogien:matrix.org@ogien:matrix.org left the room.13:11:12
2 Dec 2017
@throwaway14239:hispagatos.org@throwaway14239:hispagatos.org joined the room.11:15:12
20 Dec 2017
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their profile picture.05:38:22
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their profile picture.20:20:24
29 Dec 2017
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their profile picture.23:04:39
1 Jan 2018
@rrix:kickass.systems@rrix:kickass.systems changed their profile picture.00:17:28
6 Jan 2018
@garbados:matrix.org@garbados:matrix.org left the room.11:36:37
7 Jan 2018
@freenode_danhunsaker:matrix.org@freenode_danhunsaker:matrix.org left the room.23:54:48

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