
t2bot.io status

550 Members
Discord: ✅   Twitter: ✅   Webhooks: ✅   Email: ✅   Identity: ✅   Synapse: ✅   Voyager: ✅   Email Bot: ✅   Topic Bot: ✅   Pollbot: ✅   Dimension: ✅187 Servers

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11 Jul 2017
@andrewm:amorgan.xyzanoa joined the room.21:09:52
@MateusRodCosta:matrix.orgMateusRodCosta joined the room.21:18:27
@realitygaps:chat.weho.strealitygaps joined the room.21:28:25
@thekyriarchy:matrix.org@thekyriarchy joined the room.21:38:35
@_webhook:t2bot.ioWebhook Bridge joined the room.22:47:09
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR invited @_webhook:t2bot.ioWebhook Bridge.22:47:06
12 Jul 2017
@thekyriarchy:matrix.org@thekyriarchy changed their display name from Kẏra to @thekyriarchy.01:59:31
@_webhook__YDwlnxbKxEYzjQglHL_t2bot_io_Deployment_Notifier:t2bot.ioDeployment Notifier joined the room.06:10:23
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRchanged room power levels.06:10:42
@_webhook__YDwlnxbKxEYzjQglHL_t2bot_io_Deployment_Notifier:t2bot.ioDeployment NotifierAn automatic deployment for Topic Bot is starting soon. Topic Bot may not be available for a short period of time due to the upgrade.06:12:32
@_webhook__YDwlnxbKxEYzjQglHL_t2bot_io_Deployment_Notifier:t2bot.ioDeployment NotifierThe deployment of Topic Bot has completed successfully.06:14:45
Room Avatar Renderer.06:26:26
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR changed the room topic to "Discord: ✅   Twitter: ✅   Webhooks: ✅   Email: ✅   Identity: ✅   Synapse: ⚠   Voyager: ✅   Email Bot: ✅   Topic Bot: ✅   Pollbot: ✅   Dimension: ✅" from "Discord: ✅   Twitter: ✅   Webhooks: ✅   Email: ✅   Identity: ✅   Synapse: ✅   Voyager: ✅   Email Bot: ✅   Topic Bot: ✅   Pollbot: ✅   Dimension: ✅".06:26:54
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRFederation delays between matrix.org and t2bot.io are causing issues with all bridges and bots.06:27:39
@mikaela:disroot.orgMikaela joined the room.09:57:44
Room Avatar Renderer.15:00:53
Room Avatar Renderer.15:02:31
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR changed the room topic to "Discord: ✅   Twitter: ✅   Webhooks: ✅   Email: ✅   Identity: ✅   Synapse: ❗   Voyager: ✅   Email Bot: ✅   Topic Bot: ✅   Pollbot: ✅   Dimension: ✅" from "Discord: ✅   Twitter: ✅   Webhooks: ✅   Email: ✅   Identity: ✅   Synapse: ⚠   Voyager: ✅   Email Bot: ✅   Topic Bot: ✅   Pollbot: ✅   Dimension: ✅".15:55:07
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRAll bridges and bots will be responding slowly due to increased load on the homeserver.16:09:56
@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyzjcgruenhage joined the room.16:11:55
@sfunk1x:sfunk1x.comsfunk1x joined the room.16:41:00
Room Avatar Renderer.17:00:30
Room Avatar Renderer.17:03:49
Room Avatar Renderer.17:06:10
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR changed the room topic to "Discord: ✅   Twitter: ✅   Webhooks: ✅   Email: ✅   Identity: ✅   Synapse: ✅   Voyager: ✅   Email Bot: ✅   Topic Bot: ✅   Pollbot: ✅   Dimension: ✅" from "Discord: ✅   Twitter: ✅   Webhooks: ✅   Email: ✅   Identity: ✅   Synapse: ❗   Voyager: ✅   Email Bot: ✅   Topic Bot: ✅   Pollbot: ✅   Dimension: ✅".17:06:12
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRFederation with matrix.org appears to be fixed. All bots and bridges responding normally.17:06:27
Room Avatar Renderer.17:15:20
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRFederation with matrix.org is degraded again :/17:15:33
Room Avatar Renderer.19:56:50
Room Avatar Renderer.19:56:55

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