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25 Jul 2024
@irc_freem|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgfreem|LCTo run local dev version use Zero-K.exe dev14:40:51
@irc_freem|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgfreem|LCUnhandled Exception:14:40:52
@irc_freem|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgfreem|LC (and ofc I won't paste the wall of text here) 14:47:26
26 Jul 2024
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 invited @egyt:matrix.kyiv.dcomm.net.uaegyt.12:47:11
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 @irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.org: plenty of negative only things exist in shatteredpixeldungeon, just to make the run harder, to keep the long term hardcore players interested - some of the Challenges are insane on their own and if you look at their Lemmy they enable multiple and try stupid strats too 12:57:46
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LC "Lemmy"? 12:58:36
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LCAnyway most of the trinkets are designed with both positives and negatives13:02:05
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LCthat one seems mostly negative -.-13:02:18
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1yeah, I need to play more with trinkets, they seem ok13:03:10
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LC I always forget that some weirdos apparently like reddit's horrible system enough to replicate it on another site ~.~ 13:04:32
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinayeah people also like twitter and all of its dark patterns to replicate it on another site13:06:04
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI don't mind reddit that much though13:06:30
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathe upvotes suck13:06:33
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinabut it's just a weird forum13:06:37
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LC I think most of the Fediverse stuff at least recognizes the malicious nature of Twitter's character limit and allow much longer posts though 13:06:59
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LCthe feed system is still awful for having coherent discussions though -.-13:07:26
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1https://incremancer.gti.nz/ idle clicker https://github.com/jamesmgittins/incremancer15:55:50
@egyt:matrix.kyiv.dcomm.net.uaegyt joined the room.16:49:48
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina emorrp1 fun but really needs an option to speed it up 17:43:30
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LC wonder what's new with Thrive lately... 22:24:38
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LCis netcode in the main branch yet...22:24:55
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LCso selling it now eh22:32:11
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LC they're* 22:32:14
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LCu can do endosymbiosis now :v22:34:37
27 Jul 2024
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LC oh god I think I've been playing Unciv too much 02:57:48
@irc_Afdal|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgAfdal|LC I can't remember how to start a Freeciv game optimally I:> 02:58:00

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