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3 Oct 2022
@chickengod:matrix.org[C]hicken [G]od changed their display name from chickengod to [C]hicken [G]od.14:06:03
14 Nov 2022
@dimitrirobert:matrix.orgDimitri Robert (Coopaname) joined the room.13:36:35
@gnu1dea:matrix.org@gnu1dea:matrix.org changed their profile picture.18:00:03
15 Nov 2022
@dimitrirobert:matrix.orgDimitri Robert (Coopaname) set a profile picture.17:27:25
30 Nov 2022
@claudiosegovia:mozilla.orgclafase joined the room.19:29:21
3 Dec 2022
@claudiosegovia:mozilla.orgclafase changed their display name from claudiosegovia to clafase.15:13:40
9 Jan 2023
@warmasterberserk:matrix.orgWarmaster joined the room.07:00:18
@warmasterberserk:matrix.orgWarmasterDoes someone know how to make a 5-fold ? Reference: https://forums.scribus.net/index.php?topic=1127.007:03:39
@lukaro:hacknesium.delukaroIs it important that the pages are actual pages? Otherwise of course you could easily divide a single page appropriately.10:12:04
17 Jan 2023
@dimitrirobert:matrix.orgDimitri Robert (Coopaname) changed their display name from dimitrirobert to Dimitri Robert (Coopaname).14:54:27
24 Mar 2023
@dobody:matrix.orgdobody set a profile picture.18:26:57
In reply to @lukaro:hacknesium.de
Is it important that the pages are actual pages? Otherwise of course you could easily divide a single page appropriately.
It seems like a better solution to have pages enabled so margins won't need to be manually set, but until we have "export as spread" available as a feature on scribus, having this first feature would be useless. Yeah, go for a one-page divided in 5
5 Apr 2023
@user062b:matrix.orgIdriss joined the room.20:48:10
@user062b:matrix.orgIdrissHi everyone20:48:35
6 Apr 2023
@a.l.e:matrix.orga.l.e hi Idriss 09:36:08
@user062b:matrix.orgIdrissRedacted or Malformed Event17:45:25
@user062b:matrix.orgIdrissHow does scribus know which font file to use? (does it rely on fontconfig?), i'm not comfortable with C++ but from glancing over the code, it seems to get the file name from fontconfig and that's it and the lookup is done directly (bypassing fontconfig that is), is that entirely correct? (sorry, i deleted the previous message because it had many typos)17:47:09
@lukaro:hacknesium.delukaroThats a good question, I have never looked at the code so far, only used it. Maybe ask on the git repo?18:15:37
@user062b:matrix.orgIdrissok, thanks.18:53:09
7 Apr 2023
@a.l.e:matrix.orga.l.emmmm @idriss, what are you trying to do?18:08:34
@a.l.e:matrix.orga.l.ei have not checked, but i'm pretty sure scribus does not check for fonts by itself. on the other side, fontconfig seems to be a tool for discovering fonts. so it sound sane to me, that scribus uses font config to find the path to the fonts and then uses something else when it needs to work with those fonts...18:14:26
@user062b:matrix.orgIdriss a.l.e: for some custom fonts, fc-match doesn't return the correct face (unless queried with the specific style), so i wanted to know how scribus (which seem to get all faces correctly) handles that 20:03:29
@user062b:matrix.orgIdrissin scfonts.cpp:1035, it seems to load get the fonts paths from font config (on unix only) 20:10:02
8 Apr 2023
@a.l.e:matrix.orga.l.ehttps://gitlab.com/scribus/scribus/-/blob/master/scribus/scfonts.cpp#L1035 ? to me it looks like scribus is doing some work around different type of fonts and their characteristics and finally use freetype to load the font. so, yes, this might match your observation that freetype needs some more information to correctly load a font and scribus collects that information between the (line above) where it gets the path from freetype and a (variable) further point where it (seems to) uses freetype to load the font itself. if you need more specific information about it, you might want to ask in the forums and see if it jean has more insight for you : - )07:22:23
19 Apr 2023
@diniz:matrix.orgDiniz CabreiraHey all. (Not so) simple question: is there a way to make Scribus take on the style, or at least colour palette, of my current running Gnome3 theme?08:45:25
@diniz:matrix.orgDiniz CabreiraI know about the preferences options in Scribus to change the theme, but the only option there that seems like it could work is «gtk2», and selecting that causes Scribus to crash.08:46:10
@diniz:matrix.orgDiniz CabreiraOk, fixed it -- removing the ~/.config/qt5ct folder and running qt5ct again allows me to choose the gtk2 theme, and apply it.08:54:11
@lukaro:hacknesium.delukaroGood you solved it 👍08:55:18
@lukaro:hacknesium.delukaroThanks for sharing the fix, didn't know that 👍08:55:38

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