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26 Jul 2024
@nekojiro:matrix.orgtntyeeter (since the whole library of rom was flagged) 17:46:46
@k4sum1:matrix.orgK4sum1HTTP Downloader17:59:36
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2Redacted or Malformed Event18:08:06
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2Redacted or Malformed Event18:08:38
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2* I’ve used ariang in the past but was wondering if there was anything with a more polished ui so my spouse can use it as well18:08:56
@nagameme:matrix.orgnagameme https://odysee.com/@samtime:1/apple-responds-to-samsung-copying-them:f 18:10:59
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2Redacted or Malformed Event18:13:05
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2* ~~does anyone have recommendations for a good self-hosted download manager? i’d ideally like to offload the task to my server~~18:24:41
@jarocks:matrix.orgchaotictransgirl2 changed their display name from chaosgirl 🏳️‍⚧️ to chaotictransgirl2.18:30:11
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change usernameok so after getting a new bluray drive because i just cant let this bs go im still having burn failures with DL discs and i think the problem is linux18:43:59
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change usernamei hooked up my windows laptop to the drive, set the burn speed to the same 4x speed i tried on linux and im noticing its burning a lot slower and the drive is a lot mor silent, thinking linux just didnt set the burn speed down for some reason18:45:00
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change username * i hooked up my windows laptop to the drive, set the burn speed to the same 4x speed i tried on linux and im noticing its burning a lot slower and the drive is a lot more silent, thinking linux just didnt set the burn speed down for some reason18:45:12
@tarmandur:catgirl.cloudsesuWhat program are you using for it19:02:12
@tarmandur:catgirl.cloudsesuThe issue could also lie there19:02:17
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change usernamei tried brasero and poweriso19:02:33
@tarmandur:catgirl.cloudsesuExact same issue in both?19:15:17
@tarmandur:catgirl.cloudsesu K3b has worked pretty well for me 19:15:32
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change usernamewell brasero actually didnt work at all19:15:41
@tarmandur:catgirl.cloudsesuWhat does dmesg say19:15:47
@tarmandur:catgirl.cloudsesu If it's a kernel driver issue dmesg should be complaining 19:15:57
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change usernamewell it did make sure to fuck up my discs still19:15:59
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change usernameonly thing i got is a segfault from brasero19:19:21
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change usernamek3b i didnt wanna try because it doesnt have a flatpak and i dont want to install 90% of a full plasma session to run it19:21:26
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgrobustpatcher24 'The Script Kiddie' 🤡 QML software 19:41:28
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgrobustpatcher24 'The Script Kiddie'Kde are much nice but fuck Qml app are demanding.19:42:15
@tarmandur:catgirl.cloudsesu Ye installing anything from KDE on Gentoo is basically the same as setting up a build environment for KDE as a whole 19:51:01
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change usernamei kinda like the basic cyberlink burning software that the drive came with on windows19:53:17
@bennychill:matrix.orgPlease activate Matrix to change usernameit auto splits my project between discs so all i gotta do while backing up my 280gb photo backup is put in new disks when it spits them out till it stops doing it19:54:05
@eatham:matrix.orgeathamIn reply to https://matrix.to/#/!HJMJeXImDCbTfjueXC:matrix.org/$DPvO9nTwwfS_CiNrCPri3CV8aeLutum1_SpHoG_PylQ?via=matrix.org&via=envs.net&via=tchncs.de @krystof1119:krystofp.cz If you buy a new car, make sure it isn't connected to the internet. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/26/technology/driver-data-sold-for-pennies.html 22:44:53
27 Jul 2024
@everypizza:transfem.deveverypizza • new account 🐾🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ joined the room.00:20:46

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