2 Jul 2021 |
tmpod | They'd just help me set it up in their CI and whatnot | 08:13:07 |
tmpod | But yeah, it's no priority for them hehe | 08:13:19 |
@PureTryOut:matrix.org | Oh yeah that'd sound good tbh | 10:18:59 |
| @benpa:bpulse.org changed their display name from benpa to benpa - away. | 23:34:49 |
7 Jul 2021 |
| @benpa:bpulse.org changed their display name from benpa - away to benpa. | 20:41:05 |
11 Jul 2021 |
| @hubert:uhoreg.ca changed their display name from uhoreg to uhoreg💉💉. | 18:20:26 |
15 Jul 2021 |
| @hubert:uhoreg.ca changed their display name from uhoreg💉💉 to uhoreg (away). | 03:22:56 |
23 Jul 2021 |
| @crankysupertoon:matrix.org joined the room. | 10:47:08 |
| @crankysupertoon:matrix.org joined the room. | 10:47:09 |
| @crankysupertoon:matrix.org joined the room. | 10:47:41 |
| @crankysupertoon:matrix.org joined the room. | 10:47:44 |
| @crankysupertoon:matrix.org left the room. | 10:47:45 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | Well, I like neochat a lot too. It's much faster to sync (about 2-30 seconds vs 2-20 minutes for libquotient-based clients like Neochat/Spectral/Quaternion; initial sync is way longer too). Could be due to a slow-ish server (though that's a quad-core i3 with 12GB RAM, and element syncs as fast as neochat). | 12:29:19 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | Sorry kitsune x) | 12:29:55 |
@kitsune:matrix.org | Do you mean that you like Nheko more? | 12:30:24 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | I mean that it's "way more faster" | 12:30:49 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | With my account at least | 12:31:01 |
@kitsune:matrix.org | I meant - "I like neochat a lot too" should read like "I like nheko a lot too" :) | 12:32:28 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | Ah, right | 12:32:56 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | * Well, I like Nheko a lot too. It's much faster to sync (about 2-30 seconds vs 2-20 minutes for libquotient-based clients like Neochat/Spectral/Quaternion; initial sync is way longer too). Could be due to a slow-ish server (though that's a quad-core i3 with 12GB RAM, and element syncs as fast as neochat). | 12:33:05 |
@kitsune:matrix.org | It would be great to understand where the time get lost, libQuotient shouldn't spend so long on syncing. | 12:33:15 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | Fixed, sorry for the confusing message | 12:33:16 |
@kitsune:matrix.org | Is it an initial sync? | 12:33:29 |
@kitsune:matrix.org | I'm trying to remember but I think nheko has got a trick with sync filters up its sleeve, where libQuotient always applies the same filter. | 12:34:22 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | I used to have issues with initial sync: it would timeout and start a new one while synapse was still processing the first one | 12:34:56 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | But incremental sync is really slow too compared to Nheko/Element | 12:36:35 |
@kitsune:matrix.org | Funny but I see exactly the opposite - my incremental syncs are considerably faster than those in Element... | 12:43:33 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | I'll time them next time ><
It probably depends on the homeserver... | 12:49:21 |
@mayeul:mayeul.net | In reply to @kitsune:matrix.org It would be great to understand where the time get lost, libQuotient shouldn't spend so long on syncing. I could try to profile that next time, but it could be more effective to do so on the server (libquotient is very CPU-intensive for my synapse instance when syncing). | 13:02:32 |
@kitsune:matrix.org | Pretty sure it's about the sync filter... | 13:03:06 |