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16 Dec 2023
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ qcom arm laptops are a meme to me until you can do virtualization (outside windows, idc at all even if it works with that) 18:48:12
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_688998644157775906:t2bot.iomrcyjanek They are cool for being notebooks tho 12:54:37
@_discord_688998644157775906:t2bot.iomrcyjanek I can take my pbp for a hours long notes taking session and it stays up 12:55:18
@_discord_688998644157775906:t2bot.iomrcyjanek And worst case scenario i can use powerbank to charge it 12:55:39
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ well yes and I mentioned qcom arm specifically, I'm just really not a fan after having dealt with msm8998 and seeing they do the exact same locked down bs everywhere. literal overclocked phones in a laptop chassis 20:35:54
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇at least they're treating their devices equally20:36:41
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇imagine being like Apple and putting a laptop chip inside a tablet, at which point it suddenly needs to be locked down because reasons20:37:16
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ for $security or something, mobile devices are quite something 20:38:44
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ maybe by the time I'll need a new laptop there will be multiple decent riscv64 options with open source firmware etc 20:39:33
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇that is very sad honestly, imagine a linux tablet with an apple pencil20:39:43
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇I would actually consider buying that20:40:01
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ but a pre-requisite for that is that flathub for example has riscv64 builds of things starting to be available, then I could at least nag maintainers of apps to publish them if they're missing and have to be dealt on a case-by-case basis 20:44:18
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇yeah20:45:18
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇I don't think we'll see riscv become super usable on desktop/mobile any time soon20:45:46
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ I mean https://community.milkv.io/t/introducing-the-milk-v-oasis-with-sg2380-a-revolutionary-risc-v-desktop-experience/780 supposedly will be in people's hands in August next year 20:48:08
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇I'm more worried about the software and support side, we'll have to compile things for years, and there will surely be many bugs along the way20:50:07
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇it's already rare to see something like musl get accommodated outside of containers, and that's just a different libc20:50:55
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ yea for sure, I have a VisionFive 2 on my desk still and I dunno if qemu-user-aarch64 for example is still busted lol 20:52:01
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ last time I tried it just died trying a simple chroot thing 20:52:07
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ that was 3 months ago or something tho 20:52:11
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ at least I could play with Chimera Linux on the board since it supports riscv64, speaking of which I still need to migrate to that perhaps this xmas 20:54:25
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ ooh actually https://hub.docker.com/r/riscv64/alpine apparently exists and chimera already has podman, so could use that instead of lxc as well 20:55:48
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ before I mess more with it I still need to check if I can recover bootloader over UART, because if I somehow mess up flashing or some other issue arises and I can't recover it over my current serial adapter that'll be an experience 20:58:11
19 Dec 2023
@_discord_341785840881762305:t2bot.iogranddan joined the room.10:01:37
@_discord_341785840881762305:t2bot.iogranddan 10:01:38
@_discord_341785840881762305:t2bot.iogranddan The X13s is a nice piece of hardware. it was just tricky to get Linux on initially 10:01:38
@_discord_341785840881762305:t2bot.iogranddan but it turns out I was following outdated guides, and all I had to do was update the UEFI and then I could just flash an Ubuntu 23.10 image for the thing 10:02:47
@_discord_341785840881762305:t2bot.iogranddan Speakers are still iffy, even on rc kernels, but a lot of issues have been ironed out and I can just use it 10:04:38
20 Dec 2023
@_discord_688998644157775906:t2bot.iomrcyjanek On a scale from 0 to why how cursed and awesome is this:

$ uname -s -r
Linux 6.1.68
$ docker build . -f Dockerfile -t windows:10iot_enterprise_ltsc2021-flutter
[+] Building 6329.0s (5/6)    docker:default
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile    0.7s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 652B                    0.1s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                       0.7s
 => => transferring context: 2B                         0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/windows:10iot_enterprise_ltsc2021    0.0s
 => CACHED [1/3] FROM docker.io/library/windows:10iot_enterprise_ltsc2021               0.0s
 => [2/3] RUN Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::Securit...
 => [3/3] RUN choco install -y visualstudio2022community && choco install -y visualstudio2022-workload-nativedesktop && choco install -y git && choco...
=> => #  The install of vcredist140 was successful.
=> => #   Software installed as 'exe', install location is likely default.
=> => # Progress: Downloading visualstudio2022-workload-nativedesktop 1.0.0... 100%
=> => # visualstudio2022-workload-nativedesktop v1.0.0 [Approved]                                     
=> => # visualstudio2022-workload-nativedesktop package files install completed. Performing other installation steps.
=> => # Installing visualstudio2022-workload-nativedesktop...
21 Dec 2023
@_discord_331669618387058688:t2bot.iotechwizz I think it's an ouch 06:11:01

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