
T845 Offtopic

270 Members
Cat pics and other stuff18 Servers

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2 Jan 2024
@33yn2:matrix.org33yn2 joined the room.00:23:20
@33yn2:matrix.org33yn2 changed their profile picture.00:32:27
@_discord_617782342517522443:t2bot.iozasxsaz joined the room.19:39:34
3 Jan 2024
@_discord_456456048782606346:t2bot.iodroidsavior changed their display name from droidsavior#0 to droidsavior.03:07:19
@_discord_688998644157775906:t2bot.iomrcyjanek Hi umm friend of mine is working on a remote cinema project, do you guys maybe have few minutes to do a little quiz? 09:40:21
@_discord_688998644157775906:t2bot.iomrcyjanek https://beast.limesurvey.net/869321?lang=en 09:40:22
@_discord_921128656485638225:t2bot.ioByBenjaxLR joined the room.22:51:28
5 Jan 2024
@knightr1d3r007:matrix.orgknightr1d3r007 joined the room.00:59:36
@_discord_959274690742992947:t2bot.io_pepe_ joined the room.17:14:38
6 Jan 2024
@crichri69:matrix.orgcrichri69 joined the room.21:54:39
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_1033153397722988574:t2bot.iohedon.ist changed their display name from the_n3m3s1s_#0 to hedon.ist.14:56:34
13 Jan 2024
@_discord_705000393972645888:t2bot.ioNo Guard Kenny joined the room.01:44:49
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioDyno changed their display name from YoDa to Dyno.01:45:04
@_discord_705000393972645888:t2bot.ioNo Guard Kenny 19:18:16
14 Jan 2024
@klrtk:fawx.newsklrtk ⎇ changed their profile picture.21:41:39
@klrtk:fawx.newsklrtk ⎇ changed their profile picture.21:42:20
2 Feb 2024
@malte:hklas.demalte set a profile picture.15:49:35
12 Feb 2024
@quadradical:matrix.org@quadradical:matrix.org joined the room.13:25:33
6 Mar 2024
@quadradical:matrix.org@quadradical:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:12:35
8 Mar 2024
@klrtk:fawx.newsklrtk ⎇ changed their profile picture.01:15:04
22 Mar 2024
@camelcasenick:matrix.orgcamelCaseNick changed their profile picture.10:18:44
17 Apr 2024
@quadradical:matrix.org@quadradical:matrix.org left the room.03:20:57
27 May 2024
@klrtk:fawx.newsklrtk ⎇ changed their profile picture.18:23:04
4 Jul 2024
@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news joined the room.10:37:03
@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news changed their display name from klrtk to klrtk ⎇.10:45:06
@klrtk:fawx.newsklrtk ⎇ left the room.14:27:02
24 Jul 2024
@klrtk:fawx.newsklrtk ⎇ joined the room.20:16:25
@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news removed their display name klrtk ⎇.20:56:30
@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news removed their profile picture.20:56:31
@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news@klrtk:uwu.fawx.news left the room.20:56:31

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