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1 Dec 2023
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇I've noticed plasma has an option for the behavior of xwayland apps with scaling, which is neat13:33:20
@_discord_147375504729702400:t2bot.ioTechTino Yeahh its cool. Plasma just has way more features than gnome, but gnome has the slicker overview currently and touch gestures which makes it a winner on laptop.

But plasma just does stuff I can't do on gnome that I do actually need sometimes, plasma 6 is going to save the day i think, i tried the beta and its pretty good, the overview gesture isnt quite there but its so much better than it was
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇yep13:35:03
@_discord_147375504729702400:t2bot.ioTechTino What are you running atm? 13:35:17
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇GNOME13:36:40
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇

the current list of things from plasma I'd like to see in GNOME is:

  • VRR support (I already run the MR)

  • tablet settings (no custom area on GNOME)

  • sound mixer in QS (can already be done through an extension)

@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇there are some other things I'd like to change more generally, like the way notifications work, but that also can be done with extensions13:38:53
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇the default spot for them is very awkward for fullscreen apps13:39:18
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇the distinction between the calendar/notifications and quick settings also doesn't make much sense to me13:40:07
@_discord_147375504729702400:t2bot.ioTechTino Yeah 100% all those things for me too. Lack of vrr is a pain 14:42:47
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇what distro are you on?14:43:41
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.ioDeathmist#1624 does plasma actually let you do opentabletdriver-esque stuff to set a smaller potion of the actual tablet surface to map to a particular monitor/area of the displays? 14:51:56
@_discord_147375504729702400:t2bot.ioTechTino Fedora atm. Used to be an arch guy for ages but at work we use rocky so figured I'd stick to redhatey stuff. Plus fedora just works quite well while being recent kernel 14:51:58
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.ioDeathmist#1624 there's https://man.archlinux.org/man/sway-input.5#MAPPING_CONFIGURATION on Sway and specifically the map_from_region is what interests me 14:53:21
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.ioDeathmist#1624 * does plasma actually let you do opentabletdriver-esque stuff to set a smaller portion of the actual tablet surface to map to a particular monitor/area of the displays? 14:55:43
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx I did this and I also stuck OpenBSD on my laptop 17:58:29
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx Worked great 17:58:32
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx Mobian + Debian + OpenBSD + Asahi Linux as daily drivers 17:58:58
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx Phone, desktop, laptop, TV box 17:59:10
@_discord_477196815968501797:t2bot.ioducky#9386 I like FreeBSD a lot more than OpenBSD 18:02:14
@_discord_147375504729702400:t2bot.ioTechTino Ooh how's asahi going? 18:32:57
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx I do too, that's why I went with OpenBSD 18:35:55
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx works, it's mostly just a tv box 18:36:08
@_discord_477196815968501797:t2bot.ioducky#9386 oh you're a masochist? 18:36:10
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx No, I wanted to learn BSD, not FreeBSD 18:36:17
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx yknow? 18:36:20
@_discord_477196815968501797:t2bot.ioducky#9386 then you'd have to use all the BSDs though 18:36:29
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx Yup! I'm working through them 18:36:42
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx Dragonfly and Ghost are mostly not difficult to use, but getting them to work on my hardware has been less than easy 18:37:04
@_discord_1096952936564805783:t2bot.ioalas.mx Have used NetBSD, not exactly good for desktop use 18:37:34

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