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5 Jun 2021
@_discord_186878290982600704:t2bot.iosiraiedail there is no "temporary workaround". this is merely an issue with the documentation using incorrect names. the signals are button::*, not mouse::*. 15:00:12
@kosshi:matrix.orgkosshibut they still dont work consistently15:00:46
@kosshi:matrix.orgkosshione fires anywhere, the other only on top of actual buttons15:00:52
@_discord_186878290982600704:t2bot.iosiraiedail another issue with documentation.
this doesn't just "get", as in "getter". It creates and then returns a titlebar. and if the arguments don't match with the client's previous titlebar, it might be different
@kosshi:matrix.orgkosshiso is there a less stupid way to get it?15:04:08
@_discord_186878290982600704:t2bot.iosiraiedail various classes have different sets of signals. and they are listed on each class' documentation page. e.g. client-related signals: https://awesomewm.org/apidoc/core_components/client.html#Signals 15:05:14
@_discord_186878290982600704:t2bot.iosiraiedail find the place in your config where you create them and save them somewhere where you can access them. adding it to the client object would be an option 15:07:02
@kosshi:matrix.orgkosshiyea i just stored it at the very beginning, and setup it at the very bottom so all my mess has access to it15:09:58
@kosshi:matrix.orgkosshi really awful api 15:11:00
@_discord_297729389741998081:t2bot.io<DELETED ACCOUNT> 15:13:13
@kosshi:matrix.orgkosshiokay the awful buttons themselves do keep track if the release happens on a button you actually pressed, but seems not to expose it in any way15:15:32
@kosshi:matrix.orgkosshi * okay the awful buttons themselves do keep track if the release happens on a button you actually pressed, but seems not to expose this state in any way15:15:48
In reply to @kosshi:matrix.org
really awful api
I wonder why it is called “awful” anyways
@_discord_297729389741998081:t2bot.io<DELETED ACCOUNT> Good question, who came up with the names of the libs anyways? 18:13:40
@_discord_297729389741998081:t2bot.io<DELETED ACCOUNT> Awesome, awful, beautiful, naughty, and then gears for some reason. 18:14:15
@jegkompletson:matrix.orgjegkompletsonI quite like the names ngl18:15:24
@_discord_297729389741998081:t2bot.io<DELETED ACCOUNT> Ye 18:15:38
6 Jun 2021
@_discord_133336331022630912:t2bot.ioSlimeBOOS joined the room.08:28:38
7 Jun 2021
@themagicalcats:matrix.orgthemagicalcats joined the room.02:04:49
@_discord_639075808279003137:t2bot.ionintendo entertainment system Those are some good names 05:48:15
@matyklug0:matrix.orgmatyklugYe Ye11:49:27
@_discord_297729389741998081:t2bot.io<DELETED ACCOUNT> i 11:49:42
@_discord_297729389741998081:t2bot.io<DELETED ACCOUNT> agree 11:50:12
@_discord_739165859779444857:t2bot.ioslaine joined the room.12:19:09
@_discord_422199626850893824:t2bot.iojavacafe01 Bruh chill with the talking to oneself thing lmao 12:32:48
@_discord_297729389741998081:t2bot.io<DELETED ACCOUNT> its 12:33:12

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