
Misfits Network (#Skrank gang)

338 Members
真情 像草原廣闊 層層風雨 不能阻隔 總有雲開 日出時候 萬丈陽光 照耀你我 真情 像梅花開過 冷冷冰雪不能淹沒 就在最冷 枝頭綻放 看見春天 走向你我 -Yaoting's people45 Servers

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3 Oct 2024
@overatsu_:fairydust.space✸ 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙪𝙗𝙚 ✸!16:06:03
In reply to @overatsu_:fairydust.space
god i want
@overatsu_:fairydust.space✸ 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙪𝙗𝙚 ✸Womp delicious16:07:41
@keliali:matrix.orgKellyik mods go crazy for civ, at least ik they did for 516:12:27
@overatsu_:fairydust.space✸ 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙪𝙗𝙚 ✸!16:32:01
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHGRKXAkJZc 18:34:35
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism The Peacemaker one is fucking WILD 18:37:21
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism I CACKLED 18:37:25
@keliali:matrix.orgKellyFR 😭18:41:26
@_discord_593806636930564096:t2bot.ioAbsolutely Kule Beastiality? Not like feastiality 20:05:12
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism 😭 20:06:29
@_discord_757477144820711474:t2bot.ioAstali seven zero 20:30:53
@_discord_757477144820711474:t2bot.ioAstali seven zero 20:30:56
@_discord_757477144820711474:t2bot.ioAstali seven zero 20:30:59
@_discord_757477144820711474:t2bot.ioAstali i summon my stand: big booty bitches 20:32:03
@eclipselumine1:matrix.orgeclipselumine1Omg T-T in realizing how am I going to finish my all art for tomorrow in 2 and a half drawings behind. I have a rest for tmr in gob class. Vet tech idk I think a quiz???? Or uhhh I dk and uhmmm English so much and how am I supposed AHHHHH!!!! I have chur today starts at 6 T-T and I get home at 830-40 and I'm sleep deprived I went to sleep at 2 and woke up at 5 yaay 21:33:46
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism 😭 21:47:35
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism Someone just took a slug shell shot for me and died in my place 😭 23:11:08
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism That shit had my name on it and it went to a different address godspeed fr 🙏🏾🙏🏾 23:11:20
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism Bombline moment 23:11:33
4 Oct 2024
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autismimage.png
Download image.png
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism EdGINg 01:26:40
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37Zsae81bHA 01:33:19
@keliali:matrix.orgKellyreminded me a lot of that one smash compilation guys stuff... oh wait it IS that guy :O01:44:19
@keliali:matrix.orgKellyhadnt seen his non smash stuff, interesting01:44:38
@_discord_685602297316900943:t2bot.ioDangay, Disciple of Autism 🔥 01:45:18
@_discord_757477144820711474:t2bot.ioAstali a tuna sandwich with mustard 03:12:56
@_discord_757477144820711474:t2bot.ioAstali hold the pickles 03:13:46

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