
Mapper Support - Humanitarian Open Mapping

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18 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U04P6AP3F5K:matrix.orgFikriIrvan set a profile picture.14:33:43
@_slack_hotosm_U04P6AP3F5K:matrix.orgFikriIrvan I have previously conducted mapping of buildings under tree canopy. Here are some suggestions for you 1. If you have local knowledge of the area you are mapping, do not hesitate to create building polygons under tree canopy. 2. If you are able to be in the location you are mapping, it is better to use field papers. This will be very helpful for you and will provide better data 3. If you don't have local knowledge, you can first look at the outer edge of the tree canopy. Buildings that are larger than the tree canopy will usually be slightly visible. Add buildings with a square shape (assuming that most buildings are square/rectangular). 4. To maintain the quality of OSM data, if a building is completely invisible (under the canopy) and you do not have local knowledge or have not conducted a survey, the answer is not to map it. 14:33:44
@toaskoas:matrix.orgThomas changed their display name from toaskoas to Thomas.17:38:48
@_slack_hotosm_U07DRTUG52L:matrix.org_slack_hotosm_U07DRTUG52L joined the room.19:00:49
19 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U07D7NGFGE8:matrix.orgAriana Yute joined the room.05:50:33
@_slack_hotosm_U07D7NGFGE8:matrix.orgAriana Yute changed their display name from _slack_hotosm_U07D7NGFGE8 to Ariana Yute.05:54:43
@_slack_hotosm_U07D7NGFGE8:matrix.orgAriana Yute set a profile picture.05:54:45
20 Jul 2024
@nowfound:matrix.org@nowfound:matrix.org joined the room.13:28:37
@nowfound:matrix.org@nowfound:matrix.org left the room.13:29:03
21 Jul 2024
@biskunny:tedomum.net@biskunny:tedomum.net joined the room.22:05:51
22 Jul 2024
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.22:40:28
23 Jul 2024
@djprogen:matrix.orgdjprogen joined the room.03:16:15
@_slack_hotosm_U07DM1F3YG2:matrix.org_slack_hotosm_U07DM1F3YG2 joined the room.07:41:28
@_slack_hotosm_U07D7EMCSLX:matrix.org_slack_hotosm_U07D7EMCSLX joined the room.11:09:51
@_slack_hotosm_U07DQL05WPM:matrix.org_slack_hotosm_U07DQL05WPM joined the room.18:53:54
@_slack_hotosm_U07DQP9D2AW:matrix.org_slack_hotosm_U07DQP9D2AW joined the room.18:53:55
24 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U07DVR2D0CU:matrix.orgNirab Pudasaini joined the room.07:14:10
@_slack_hotosm_U07DSV6PB5K:matrix.org_slack_hotosm_U07DSV6PB5K joined the room.15:13:51
@_slack_hotosm_U07DV0T42GM:matrix.org_slack_hotosm_U07DV0T42GM joined the room.21:09:18
25 Jul 2024
@biskunny:tedomum.net@biskunny:tedomum.net left the room.01:44:25
@_slack_hotosm_U07DVR2D0CU:matrix.orgNirab Pudasaini changed their display name from _slack_hotosm_U07DVR2D0CU to Nirab Pudasaini.10:47:00
@_slack_hotosm_U07DVR2D0CU:matrix.orgNirab Pudasaini set a profile picture.10:47:03
@_slack_hotosm_U07787CRJH0:matrix.orgGregory Peony Check all imagery sources in the area. Since you haven't provided a screenshot here I don't know what you're looking at, but imageries may be taken with various nadir which may allow you to get a peek at buildings which are entirely obscured by others. This will probably mean that the age of the imagery is different, but it may be better than nothing. Perhaps LiDAR would work: provided you have access to it. I'm not very experienced with field mapping. You may find it beneficial to have some nearby features already digitized. Maybe some reference geometries beyond outside of the canopy would be useful. GPS may not be super accurate under the canopy; if you intend to use it, then I recommend aquiring your location/signal before you enter the canopy and at regular intervals during your mapping. you may find the pick your mapping technique section of https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners%27_guide useful. There are probably some other guides out there somewhere. 15:21:50
@_slack_hotosm_U07787CRJH0:matrix.orgGregory Peony If you're in here looking for armchair mapping support, then this event may be of interest to you. https://osmcal.org/event/2722/ 15:37:13
26 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U07EV228Q2C:matrix.orgJann Rovic Cueto joined the room.07:25:44
@_slack_hotosm_U07EV228Q2C:matrix.orgJann Rovic Cueto changed their display name from _slack_hotosm_U07EV228Q2C to Jann Rovic Cueto.07:28:51
@_slack_hotosm_U07EV228Q2C:matrix.orgJann Rovic Cueto set a profile picture.07:28:52
@idjdbdbdbdbdn:nope.chat@idjdbdbdbdbdn:nope.chat joined the room.10:38:59
@idjdbdbdbdbdn:nope.chat@idjdbdbdbdbdn:nope.chat left the room.10:40:51
@_slack_hotosm_U070YUCPB2N:matrix.orgUKDiver changed their profile picture.12:30:11

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