
Matrix Call Minecraft Mod (UNMAINTAINED)

11 Members
Repo at: https://github.com/Nordgedanken/MatrixCallMinecraftMod4 Servers

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27 Jun 2018
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord Maximus: just as you have more java experience than me: do you have already any better audio lib you can recomend ? 19:06:03
@max:kamax.ioMaximus nope, that's what I planned on researching very soon to further progress the VoIP bridge 19:06:56
@max:kamax.ioMaximus I know there isn't any which is super good and super easy 19:07:46
@max:kamax.ioMaximusthere is not much love for VoIP in the java clients world19:08:24
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordyeah I already saw that. WebRTC is even worse :/19:08:58
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordthats why I am a bit sad about jitsi not having a lib for clients19:09:22
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordonly sip lib I saw yet is https://github.com/ymartineau/peers but not sure if it is compatible and good enough19:11:02
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordor well this link is the project page: http://peers.sourceforge.net/19:11:43
@max:kamax.ioMaximus well if you don't mind waiting a bit, I'll definitely need to get cracking on this at some point, I can help then 19:12:41
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordIt seems pretty easy to use too19:12:58
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord Maximus: no problem. :) This project is currently not too high on the TODO list so no problem with waiting ;) 19:13:53
@max:kamax.ioMaximusAnd jitsi in what I need to integrate with too, so I should manage to find smth19:14:51
@max:kamax.ioMaximusif they have a SFU anyway, there should be enough to start with hopefully19:15:25
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordPs just to note: there is a lib folder in the server source but if I am right thats not java in a way we search https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi/tree/master/lib19:18:14
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordah nvm screw me thats the os bindings folder19:18:50
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordbut their tests might help to understand if they do something special https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi/tree/master/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/sip19:21:06
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordRedacted or Malformed Event19:21:46
* @MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord is now afk19:22:43
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord Maximus: PS: one problem I am having with matrix is afaik they have a jitsi meet url inside the event and not a jitsi server adress inside the event 20:14:29
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordoh U just realised the ids in meet are conference room ids in sip :D20:19:11
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordatleast 50% of the needed info20:19:27
@max:kamax.ioMaximusthere is no problem, the IPs were to send data are given during the signaling exchange (using SDP)21:14:27
@max:kamax.ioMaximus I'm guessing the SDP payload of each participant is forwarded to the others by the Jitsi server, and the clients handle the streamq 21:15:28
@max:kamax.ioMaximusMTRNord (@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.net): ^21:17:50
28 Jun 2018
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNordAh ok :)07:21:15
5 Oct 2018
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord changed the room name to "Matrix Call Minecraft Mod (UNMAINTAINED)" from "Matrix Call Minecraft Mod".19:38:21
16 Oct 2018
TODOs widget added by @MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord22:03:29

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