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18 Dec 2018
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <gabi> If I remove all thing related to token manager it works just fine15:30:13
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <sohkai> Really weird... I don't think there should be anything related to the version bump but I'm pretty sure the aragen snapshot is using `2.0.0`15:34:26
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <gabi> I'll review it again in case I'm missing something15:39:33
@g_:matrix.orggabi removed their profile picture.16:19:07
@g_:matrix.orggabi set a profile picture.16:19:34
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <sohkai> `truffle@5.0.0` finally released! https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle/releases/tag/v5.0.021:50:30
19 Dec 2018
@geleeroyale:matrix.orggeleeroyalechanged room power levels.13:54:05
23 Dec 2018
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <bgits> Moving the discussion from #general regarding EVMScriptRunner to this channel as it seems more relevant. Regarding @jvluso last comment, I see this function in Voting.sol: https://github.com/aragon/aragon-apps/blob/master/apps/voting/contracts/Voting.sol#L187 - What would be helpful is seeing a client side example of how the `_evmScript` param is generated. My guess is it would require a 1) contract ABI, 2) function name, 3) function parameters? Seeing an actual example would be helpful.16:57:10
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jvluso> I'll be able to answer this better once I'm at my computer, but iirc it's 4 bytes of the number of commands (00000001) the target address, 4 bytes of the number of bytes of data, and then the data. The best way however would be to use the aragon wrapper in aragon.js similar to https://github.com/jvluso/eth-aragon-keyring21:18:08
24 Dec 2018
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <bingen> Hi, @bgits you can find a simple example here: https://github.com/aragon/aragon-apps/blob/master/apps/voting/test/voting.js#L16814:03:03
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <bingen> Another one here: https://github.com/aragon/dao-kits/blob/master/kits/democracy/test/democracy.js#L33014:04:31
27 Dec 2018
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <bgits> thanks14:20:24
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <bgits> @jvluso This looks great: https://twitter.com/izqui9/status/1076013068616908800 - is there a public repo for it?14:22:14
28 Dec 2018
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jvluso> https://github.com/jvluso/frame/tree/keyring - it's still being worked on here02:52:41
2 Jan 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> Pretty interesting hack https://etherscan.io/address/0x3e8b42754c8eafdc8e732f4346126e920ede8548#code10:22:01
@izqui:matrix.orgJorge Izquierdo joined the room.15:02:15
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <sohkai> @jorge @bingen Our `KitBase` in the boilerplate (https://github.com/aragon/aragon-react-kit-boilerplate/blob/master/contracts/Kit.sol#L25) is slightly different than the dao-kits' `KitBase` (https://github.com/aragon/dao-kits/blob/master/kits/base/contracts/KitBase.sol). I think we could just use the dao-kits' `KitBase` if aragonCLI passed the `DAOFactory` argument to its constructor (which should be at a constant address in aragen)?16:59:38
3 Jan 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> yup12:00:22
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> that makes sense12:00:25
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> got the bare kit ready for publishing13:02:11
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> https://github.com/aragon/dao-kits/pull/6013:02:12
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> @bingen @sohkai @jvluso 13:02:23
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> can you take a quick look? will start publishing in less than 2h13:02:40
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> can you take a quick look? will publish before EOD13:03:33
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <bingen> done13:06:34
4 Jan 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> @bingen getting this error running the tests on the staking PR #1 15:57:10
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <jorge> going to try cleaning node modules15:57:41
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <bingen> oops, let me try and fix it16:04:54
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <bingen> Done, you can pull now16:23:25
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <bingen> Sorry about that16:23:29

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