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14 Oct 2022
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.ioSupreme#9828 I'm not familiar with the process of bringing up new hardware with monado, how difficult is the process typically? I'd think your typical vr headset wouldn't be much more than just a funny display but that's probably wrong 15:51:43
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.ioSupreme#9828 oh, i suppose you also have to read IMU values 15:58:33
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.iorpavlik#1182 I mean, it totally depends on the help available 17:01:35
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.iorpavlik#1182 if vendor is helpful and provides protocol docs, pretty easy 17:01:45
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner There's a chance that libsurvive will just go "oh, tracked device! track the device!" 17:02:35
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner iiuc all the lighthouse-tracked devices use the same HID protocol 17:02:52
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.iorpavlik#1182 yeah for lighthouse tracking that would be nice 17:02:54
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 the simple answer is - monado support when you,, someoone else who owns the device, or the vendor contributes it 18:46:59
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 * the simple answer is - monado support when you, someoone else who owns the device, or the vendor contributes it 18:47:08
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 * the simple answer is - monado support when you, someone else who owns the device, or the vendor contributes it 18:47:18
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.ioSupreme#9828 I'm on it 🫡 18:49:57
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.ioSupreme#9828 (depending on how much it costs) 18:50:02
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 if it appears as a display, some v4l2 cameras and a lighthouse adapter.. probably not too hard, but as usual.. calibration for optics is a stumbling block 18:50:19
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 lighthouse definitely simplifies the tracking, but its likely it will need libsurvive patches to configure it so that the sensor layout is recognised, as it will be physically different from the vive i imagine 18:51:28
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 it does look like a cool device, for sure 18:51:58
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 * if it appears as a display, imu and config easily reverse-engineerable via usb, some v4l2 cameras and a lighthouse adapter.. probably not too hard, but as usual.. calibration for optics is a stumbling block 18:56:40
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner I somewhat doubt this. libsurvive as well as Valve's own lighthouse software parse a config struct describing the light sensor layout and the IMU location 19:54:49
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner That's why libsurvive "just works" with vive wands, knuckles, Index and Vive 19:55:01
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner I think tundra trackers should work fine too (I think) 19:55:16
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 right.. makes sense 19:55:18
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner There may be some catches tho, I can never be sure 19:55:37
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 There's no guarantee that a 3rd party vendor will use the same packet protocol for delivering that data, especially in a device that does tracking another way too 21:23:36
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner there's some guarantee, because there are a lot of devices that SteamVR can track that weren't developed with much help from valve 21:40:53
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner eg. tundra and Etee 21:41:02
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner Some evidence points to that anyhow 21:41:07
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.ioMoses Turner I'm guessing there's some packet protocol that everyone uses 21:41:47
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 A quick google suggests Tundra tracker got their driver distributed with SteamVR, Etee mentions drivers too 22:14:16
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 Remember with lighthouse, it's the devices that track the base stations by sensing laser sweeps - they can all install their own driver and report positions without needing a shared protocol 22:15:31
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch#5957 I haven't looked at the SteamVR HDK but I assume most things based on it will "just work" 22:24:41
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch#5957 my pimax 5k+ tracked out of the box with libsurvive 22:24:56

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