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14 Oct 2022
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 ack 22:34:17
@_discord_404022585169281034:t2bot.iodanwillm#8254 joined the room.22:38:11
@_discord_404022585169281034:t2bot.iodanwillm#8254 you have to install the etee steamvr driver separately 22:38:11
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi I remember you explaining the bizarre etee architecture to me. It uses the regular lighthouse driver for tracking, then an extra one you helped develop to add finger tracking+buttons 22:38:58
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi I also think you showed how you could detach the etee tracking ring from the input device and use it as a vive tracker 22:39:31
@_discord_404022585169281034:t2bot.iodanwillm#8254 yep 22:40:31
@_discord_404022585169281034:t2bot.iodanwillm#8254 its the only way to get the propritary steamvr tracking on a 3rd party devide with hand tracking 22:41:48
@_discord_404022585169281034:t2bot.iodanwillm#8254 but it does mean that its very easy to convert the controllers from trackers to controllers and back if you want to 22:42:47
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi oh yeah it's not wrong 22:43:12
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi *not the wrong way of doing it 22:43:20
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi I'm just stating that I don't know of any lighthouse-tracked devices that don't use SteamVR's default lighthouse driver 22:43:47
@_discord_404022585169281034:t2bot.iodanwillm#8254 yeah me neither 22:46:58
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.ioコレヂャン (Korejan)#6829 joined the room.23:05:22
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.ioコレヂャン (Korejan)#6829 have you guys ever seen this https://longhorizon.org/trey/papers/borges18_htc_vive.pdf 23:05:22
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.ioコレヂャン (Korejan)#6829 * have you peeps ever seen this https://longhorizon.org/trey/papers/borges18_htc_vive.pdf 23:05:50
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.ioコレヂャン (Korejan)#6829 i think the code based on this here https://github.com/nasa/astrobee 23:07:34
15 Oct 2022
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi yeah I've seen it 02:44:52
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi I think the introduction explains the fundamental difference between robot perception and XR perception 02:45:55
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi for robots you don't care about how bad it looks as long as the overall accuracy is higher 02:46:07
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi for XR you don't care about the accuracy at all as long as it makes the user happy 02:46:19
16 Oct 2022
@_discord_307912301288226816:t2bot.ioCrunchyfurret joined the room.17:13:37
@_discord_237934417451024385:t2bot.ioTudor joined the room.21:36:04
17 Oct 2022
@_discord_988563406179164231:t2bot.ioOwariDa joined the room.17:15:03
18 Oct 2022
@_discord_376583337655009290:t2bot.ioalesya_h joined the room.01:34:54
19 Oct 2022
@_discord_829504561244798996:t2bot.iobabyclav changed their display name from babyclav to babyclav#3978.03:35:42
@_discord_492668799011520522:t2bot.ioö. joined the room.08:37:25
@_discord_374165399438360596:t2bot.ioFiL0S0V joined the room.18:31:32
@_discord_506589700094689290:t2bot.ioWyrmSpear joined the room.20:19:18
@_discord_956221812977569802:t2bot.iorahuls10 joined the room.20:27:39
20 Oct 2022
@_discord_138731213828390912:t2bot.iokk1bbles joined the room.00:09:55

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