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Ideas and suggestion about Naev should be posted here. Spoilers are allowed so no need for spoiler tags.6 Servers

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25 May 2024
@_discord_465186903847731210:t2bot.iouncombed_coconut Hate to be a downer, but there could be a translation issue and there's a missing letter in "embarrassed". 17:59:19
@_discord_465186903847731210:t2bot.iouncombed_coconut (I ❤️ the plants) 17:59:48
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd Whoops. That's embarrassing 18:07:56
@_discord_465186903847731210:t2bot.iouncombed_coconut I do like how meta it is. 🙂 18:08:12
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd The game has a specific humor to it. We should play on that a bit. lean in 18:10:48
@_discord_374327967742033921:t2bot.iolj_dude Typo for the character, not for us 👍 18:11:22
26 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens We'll definitely need more accessories down the line.
The style reminds me a lot of Oxygen Not Included
30 May 2024
@_discord_853674373247533087:t2bot.iosirius hater changed their profile picture.03:09:06
31 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Realizing that Naev has a ton more ships than EV:Nova. Maybe it would have been better to have 3 core classes instead of 6? Would simplify a lot of things and reduce confusion around light/ultralight or heavy/ultraheavy outfits. 07:41:29
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd That could help new players' onboarding experience. Streamline the process so to speak 09:00:40
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I do think it may be worth thinking about or at least testing a bit. However, it's quite a large endeavour, and collapsing ship classes mean we either have to remove a lot of ships, or do something to differentiate them more. 09:08:39
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I sort of like Naev's current flexibility, but I always felt that the current outfit slot distinctions is a bit weird from the player POV. Despite being both small slots, light and ultra-light weapons exist, and that's not really transparent to the player. 09:10:15
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Maybe it would make sense to add explicit light / ultra-light tags to outfits, and have outfit slots list "recommended" outfit type or something? 09:10:17
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd I'll try mocking up a ui for it. maybe leave the categories as is, but indicate it graphically more clearly 09:39:19
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd and we need some way to compare two outfits in a glance, but that's a bit more involved 09:40:49
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Yeah, don't want to bloat the UI much more either 09:47:53
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 I don't mind the category count. 10:54:45
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 Feels just complex enough, imo 10:55:03
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Did you not find stuff like light vs ultralight confusing at first? 11:17:24
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 Imo, fucking around and finding out is half the fun of the game 11:22:35
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 I might not represent all players in that regard, though. 11:22:53
1 Jun 2024
@_discord_640924886599991297:t2bot.ioFriend of pyro lmao changed their profile picture.21:36:00
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman changed their profile picture.23:04:25
2 Jun 2024
Download plowshare.png
Download midwife.png
Download kierkagaard.png
Download progeny.png
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens With potential new graphics, some ideas I had for new non-unique ships:
- tristan (uses progeny graphics): decomissioned Imperial fighter, now used by people who can't afford better, mainly in the frontier
- bedivere (uses kierkagaard graphics): decomissioned Imperial destroyer, same as tristan, but as a destroyer
- dealbreaker (uses midwife graphics): black lotus battleship
- plowshare (uses plowshare graphics): freighter that only appears on trade lane systems, not purchasable by the player. Not very good.
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens * With potential new graphics, some ideas I had for new non-unique ships:
- tristan (uses progeny graphics): decomissioned Imperial fighter, now used by people who can't afford better, mainly in the frontier
- bedivere (uses kierkagaard graphics): decomissioned Imperial destroyer, same as tristan, but as a destroyer
- dealbreaker (uses midwife graphics): black lotus battleship
- plowshare (uses plowshare graphics): freighter that only appears on trade lane systems, not purchasable by the player. Not very good.
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens * With potential new graphics, some ideas I had for new non-unique ships:
- tristan (uses progeny graphics): decomissioned Imperial fighter, now used by people who can't afford better, mainly in the frontier
- bedivere (uses kierkagaard graphics): decomissioned Imperial destroyer, same as tristan, but as a destroyer
- dealbreaker (uses midwife graphics): black lotus battleship
- plowshare (uses plowshare graphics): freighter that only appears on trade lane systems, not purchasable by the player. Not very good.

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