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7 Feb 2025
@mankoff:matrix.orgmankoffDoes this help? https://github.com/magit/forge/issues/182 21:34:27
In reply to @.-:envs.net
sent an image.
I’m guessing the face for those highlighted hints isn’t using your default font. If you can find the name of the face, you can manually set it to use your default font’s bold variant
@fnz:matrix.orgfnzReally strange because that prompt on my own Emacs defaults to the bold variant of my default face21:48:48
In reply to @fnz:matrix.org
I’m guessing the face for those highlighted hints isn’t using your default font. If you can find the name of the face, you can manually set it to use your default font’s bold variant
bold elsewhere works fine
@.-:envs.netnicoleit is only on those highlight hints that it the issue appears23:00:42
@fnz:matrix.orgfnzThat particular face being off for some reason is the only reason I can think23:07:30
@ekaov:matrix.orgekaov left the room.23:20:29
@phil.catalyst:matrix.orgphil.catalystRedacted or Malformed Event23:53:38
In reply to nicole
it is only on those highlight hints that it the issue appears

Check C-h o read-multiple-choice-face

8 Feb 2025
Download image.png
@.-:envs.netnicoleI think that i found the root cause00:11:59
@.-:envs.netnicoleso it is inheriting it from here, for some reason this seems to be set to monospace and doesnt follow default font even if the default font is a monospaced font
Download so it is inheriting it from here, for some reason this seems to be set to monospace and doesnt follow default font even if the default font is a monospaced font

fixed-pitch and fixed-pitch-serifa do not follow default font, this is because they are set to monospace and monospace-serif respectively

 ;; For some reason this font faces do not follow default font.
 '(fixed-pitch ((t nil)))
 '(fixed-pitch-serif ((t nil))))

this code above fixes it for me

@.-:envs.netnicoleRedacted or Malformed Event00:47:55

In principle it's probably more correct if default inherits from fixed-pitch, but I guess that might have performance implications.


Actually, I don't think that's possible for default to inherit from anything :)

I found a couple of related bug reports:

Part of the problem is disagreement about whether or not the fixed-pitch face should look the same as a fixed-pitch default face. Making the two look different is purposeful in at least some cases.

Having the text visibly truncated as a result is clearly bad, though. You should M-x report-emacs-bug so that this can be discussed. I would reference those other bugs, but I think this particular issue could be considered independently (they'll merge the bugs if necessary).

@arni-birdsnail:matrix.orgArni! (sick) changed their display name from Arni! to Arni! (sick).05:50:29
@usoft:matrix.trom.tfTFedis guile a programming language? i mean can i install a git package, hash a url, use git commands?09:45:04
@usoft:matrix.trom.tfTFedactually i should ask it in Guix chat, but i'm not there yet09:45:36
@apt-ghetto:matrix.orgapt-ghettoI think guile is one implementation of scheme.09:47:35
@usoft:matrix.trom.tfTFedyup, and scheme is probably lisp like code09:48:12
@usoft:matrix.trom.tfTFed* yup, and scheme is probably lisp-like code09:48:22
@usoft:matrix.trom.tfTFed* yup, and scheme is probably lisp's fork09:48:42
@lapizistik:matrix.orglapizistikscheme is a lisp09:48:45
@usoft:matrix.trom.tfTFedok, guix is new to me, my /bin is empty, so i need to learn, how to use it right way09:54:06


@n759cbk4yq:matrix.orgfredhutt joined the room.12:48:04
@0rz:matrix.org(_ _ ||) joined the room.15:26:27
@haus_krapfen:matrix.orghaus_krapfen joined the room.21:34:38
9 Feb 2025
@line_segments:matrix.orgline_segments joined the room.05:03:25

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