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25 Jul 2024
@stateless:footbridge.xyzstatelessI miss fuzzy search in info11:12:47
@yantar92:matrix.orgyantar92 (Org contributor)
In reply to @stateless:footbridge.xyz
I miss fuzzy search in info
In reply to @yantar92:matrix.org
I meant full text search over all info files

Yeah, there's M-x info-apropos for the indexed text, but otherwise you only have full-text search throughout the current manual via C-s.

It would probably be fairly simple to implement it, mind. The multi-isearch functionality is really powerful!


I'd like to see that feature contributed.

@icyp:matrix.orgmari changed their profile picture.13:05:45
@shipley7701:matrix.org@shipley7701:matrix.org left the room.17:25:16
@alxndrv:matrix.orgalxndrv joined the room.20:25:24
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:09:44
In reply to @stateless:footbridge.xyz
I meant full text search over all info files
26 Jul 2024
@shoshin:cicadas.surfshoshinTIL! <301:08:52
@vermium:zyner.orgVermium Sifell left the room.01:09:09
@n0nix:matrix.orgMe6 joined the room.05:25:48
@cidra:matrix.orgcidraHello guys, quick question: adding properties to org elements for internal processing is a good practice, in your opinion? I'm toying with the idea of making a simple three way merging from org-element and each element may have references to its base and branch matches: are properties suitable for this?11:43:49
@agentkilo:matrix.orgAgent Kilo joined the room.12:38:26
@ragreenburg:matrix.orghankulez alphapapa: I made a fork of the pantalaimon repo and fixed a few small bugs (as well as moving the dbus over to one that is not deprecated), you can find that here. Would you be open to me making a PR and mentioning it in the README of the ement package? 15:37:16
@shoshin:cicadas.surfshoshin cidra: i feel like yes, org-element will have access to properties with the data structures it returns. i was also working on some sort of org-element based thing if this research helps https://cicadas.surf/cgit/coorgi/coorgi-client.git/tree/coorgi-client.org 15:49:22
@paul.j:matrix.orgpaul.jGood afternoon! Is there a simple way to get electric-pair-mode to ignore brackets inside quotes?16:11:21
@paul.j:matrix.orgpaul.j... or an alternative package I should be using?16:23:11
@shoshin:cicadas.surfshoshin paul.j: it seems like you'd need to add a function that would handle it as the electric-pair-inhibit-predicate 16:45:36
@shoshin:cicadas.surfshoshinyou might also check out smartparens16:46:49
In reply to @shoshin:cicadas.surf
cidra: i feel like yes, org-element will have access to properties with the data structures it returns. i was also working on some sort of org-element based thing if this research helps https://cicadas.surf/cgit/coorgi/coorgi-client.git/tree/coorgi-client.org
Wow, that looks super interesting. I'll check it out as soon as i can, tomorrow. How come have I never heard of it?
In reply to @cidra:matrix.org
Wow, that looks super interesting. I'll check it out as soon as i can, tomorrow. How come have I never heard of it?
because it never got finished
@shoshin:cicadas.surfshoshinended up building a far dumber and simpler task management app in emacs 16:47:53
@shoshin:cicadas.surfshoshinthe client was supposed to be the emacs part that would handle getting messages from the coorgi server that tracked the state of things. the client would take the data and then update the local org docs16:50:23
@shoshin:cicadas.surfshoshinbut its hard16:50:25
@shoshin:cicadas.surfshoshinso that represents my literate programming trying to figure it out more than any kind of finished thing16:50:59
@shoshin:cicadas.surfshoshin if you look at the actual tangled .el file its literally one command i managed to write 16:51:47
In reply to hankulez
alphapapa: I made a fork of the pantalaimon repo and fixed a few small bugs (as well as moving the dbus over to one that is not deprecated), you can find that here. Would you be open to me making a PR and mentioning it in the README of the ement package?

Yes. I invited you to the Ement room, which is a better place to get my attention about it. :)

@punnie:ethereal.iopunnie joined the room.22:01:39

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