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29 Dec 2023
@dionisos:matrix.orgdionisosAlso I am curious about the "(test::MyType)" syntax00:05:41
@qwjyh:matrix.orgqwjyhDo you want to generate a function based on a type automatically? If normal multiple dispatch doesn't meet your need, you should use macro.00:06:12
@dionisos:matrix.orgdionisos *

Ok I found how to do that, it should be :

function create_function(MyType)
	function test(a::MyType, b::MyType) where MyType
		return a+b
	return test

But I admit I don’t really understand why.

In reply to @qwjyh:matrix.org
Do you want to generate a function based on a type automatically? If normal multiple dispatch doesn't meet your need, you should use macro.
Yes this is what I want
@dionisos:matrix.orgdionisosOh, I just realized the "where MyType", just make MyType a variable00:10:03
@qwjyh:matrix.orgqwjyhSimple example for the syntax: ``` julia> struct MyType v::Int64 end julia> function (t::MyType)(a::T, b::T) where {T <: Integer} a + b + t.v end julia> x = MyType(1) MyType(1) julia> x(1, 2) 4 ```00:10:04
In reply to @qwjyh:matrix.org
Simple example for the syntax:
julia> struct MyType

julia> function (t::MyType)(a::T, b::T) where {T <: Integer}
a + b + t.v

julia> x = MyType(1)

julia> x(1, 2)

My problem is that the function is in a closure, and it gives me the error :

ERROR: LoadError: syntax: local variable MyType cannot be used in closure declaration

@dionisos:matrix.orgdionisosI am very probably misunderstanding something.00:12:22
@qwjyh:matrix.orgqwjyh``` julia> macro genfunc(t) quote function test(a::$t, b::$t) a.v + b.v end end end @genfunc (macro with 1 method) julia> test = @genfunc MyType #83#test (generic function with 1 method) julia> test(x, y) 3 ```00:14:55
@dionisos:matrix.orgdionisosI am wondering if I can do it without a macro, I will do it with a macro if there is not another way, but I feel like there is some hole in my understanding and finding how to do it without a macro will help. 00:18:07
In reply to @qwjyh:matrix.org
Simple example for the syntax:
julia> struct MyType

julia> function (t::MyType)(a::T, b::T) where {T <: Integer}
a + b + t.v

julia> x = MyType(1)

julia> x(1, 2)
I realize I misunderstood you question, but at least now I understand the syntax you where using, thank you.
@dionisos:matrix.orgdionisosOk after some testes and research, it seems like I should use a macro for this.00:27:20
@dionisos:matrix.orgdionisosThank you for you help qwjyh00:27:34
In reply to @qwjyh:matrix.org
Simple example for the syntax:
julia> struct MyType

julia> function (t::MyType)(a::T, b::T) where {T <: Integer}
a + b + t.v

julia> x = MyType(1)

julia> x(1, 2)
* I realize I misunderstood your question, but at least now I understand the syntax you where using, thank you.
30 Dec 2023
@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org set a profile picture.14:54:13
@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org removed their profile picture.14:54:31
@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org set a profile picture.14:56:09
@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org removed their profile picture.14:57:05
31 Dec 2023
@jyxu:mozilla.org@jyxu:mozilla.org joined the room.08:32:28
1 Jan 2024
@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org left the room.10:13:47
3 Jan 2024
@malte:maltee.de@malte:maltee.deCan I interpolate a heatmap while plotting? I have a function that takes two values as input and produces a third one as an output. I want to display the output on the x axis and the two inputs on the y and z axis. Typically, heatmaps are laid out on a grid, but I can't produce a grid because I cannot reverse my functions.09:11:29
13 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.21:03:16
15 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.08:33:11
@uncomfy:matrix.orguncomfy joined the room.12:50:50
22 Jan 2024
@iqbal1975:matrix.orgiqbal1975 set a profile picture.10:31:38
23 Jan 2024
@waldyrious:matrix.org@waldyrious:matrix.org left the room.22:14:03
28 Jan 2024
@.slt:matrix.org.slt joined the room.16:31:46
9 Feb 2024
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11 Feb 2024
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