2 Jul 2023 |
headphonejack | * ...I think (read: don't know for sure) the docs are a little outdated. The docs are talking about nvim-cmp, but trying to configure it gives the error message "unknown: nvim-cmp". I think I need to dig into it a little deeper as previously planned...<sigh> | 12:57:49 |
qwjyh | Maybe you did require'nvim-cmp' ? | 13:04:24 |
qwjyh | Correct one is require('cmp') | 13:06:15 |
qwjyh | * Maybe you did require('nvim-cmp') ? | 13:06:30 |
headphonejack | I tried that before and it does not work. Currently it seems, that I don't fully understand the whole concept. I need to read more and especially I need to understand more...sorry.... | 13:08:04 |
headphonejack | It seems, that nvim-cmp is known by lazy but get not loaded/started, when I visit a Julia file. I cannot convince the lazy dashboard to load it manually. The 'require'-expression normally would exactly that...but that one give me errors. This becomes a Big Bang theory...at least ;) | 13:15:41 |
headphonejack | What is meant by "InsertEnter" ? | 13:17:32 |
qwjyh | `:h InsertEnter` | 13:27:32 |
qwjyh | In reply to @headphonejack:matrix.org What is meant by "InsertEnter" ? https://github.com/NvChad/NvChad/blob/83aac1ecc0c84726d3aace3ed97d7001add4694b/lua/plugins/init.lua#L156
nvim-cmp is loaded by lazy.nvim when you switched to Insert mode. | 13:35:31 |
headphonejack | ...sometime the assumptions I make hinders my common sense...I thouht "InsertEnter" would be something internal to nvim-cmp and didn't searched for it. The more I thank you for your patience with me, qwjyh! | 13:56:44 |
3 Jul 2023 |
headphonejack | Antoineco of the NVChad channel helped me very much with his settings for NvChad:
dependencies= {
opts = {
sources = {
{ name = "latex_symbols" },
| 17:02:27 |
headphonejack | This make latex-symbol globally available. If you want it only for JULIA, add ft=julia inside the "kdheepak/cmp-latex-symbols" dependency block. | 17:03:30 |
headphonejack | The whole thing goes into ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom/plugins.lua | 17:04:03 |
headphonejack | By the way: The whole "noise" of that channels seems to be caused by bots and spammers and has nothing to do with the NvChad-people there. | 17:05:39 |
headphonejack | * By the way: The whole "noise" of that channel seems to be caused by bots and spammers and has nothing to do with the NvChad-people there. | 18:39:17 |
4 Jul 2023 |
| Fogmaster joined the room. | 01:55:42 |
6 Jul 2023 |
| @osso33:matrix.org set a profile picture. | 11:45:09 |
headphonejack | Using Julia 1.9.2: I am playing around with some csv files...when reading those via CSV/Dataformat - how can I surpress all those warnings of missing fields? | 16:09:53 |
qwjyh | Maybe this option https://csv.juliadata.org/stable/reading.html#strict | 19:38:15 |
7 Jul 2023 |
headphonejack | Oh yeah! That's looks like it will work - I will check that in a moment! Thanks a lot...sometimes it is important to use the correct keywords (I had no luck...no native speaker here, sorry...) | 15:47:12 |
8 Jul 2023 |
headphonejack | After some try'n'error it works like a charm! Thanks! | 03:18:19 |
headphonejack | Is it possible to create a simple window with Julia with a given background color to which I can plot colored pixels something like plot(x,y,truecolor)?
I only found examples for highly advanced things like graphs, 3D function plots, bars, statistics etc.... | 15:16:08 |
@hasnep:matrix.org | You could use Images.jl (https://juliaimages.org/stable/) to create an image and then ImageView.jl (https://www.juliapackages.com/p/imageview) to display the image in a window? | 15:26:56 |
headphonejack | ...is it possible to do "life plotting" somehow instead of creating the complete image and display it then? | 15:28:05 |
@hasnep:matrix.org | I believe you should be able to use the gui = imshow_gui(...) function to create a window, then use canvas = gui["canvas"] to get the canvas object, then imshow(canvas, my_image) to add or replace the image in the window | 15:34:01 |
@hasnep:matrix.org | I'm not able to check that at the moment, but that's what I'm guessing from looking at the README for ImageView.jl | 15:34:34 |
headphonejack | thanks! 😀 will try that! | 15:45:50 |
9 Jul 2023 |
headphonejack | When 'adding' a package I got this message regarding another related package:
Info Packages marked with → are not downloaded, use `instantiate` to download
| 13:52:24 |
headphonejack | When trying to 'help instantiate' I got this answer:
help?> ? instantiate
Couldn't find instantiate
Perhaps you meant instances
No documentation found.
Binding instantiate does not exist.
What is it all about?
| 13:53:29 |
@hasnep:matrix.org | It's talking about the Pkg.jl command called `Pkg.instantiate` | 13:56:10 |