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20 Oct 2023
@aplund:matrix.org@aplund:matrix.org joined the room.04:50:34

I'm trying to use the DifferentialEquations.jl package on a fresh install, but I keep getting this error:

Failed to precompile DifferentialEquations [0c46a032-eb83-5123-abaf-570d42b7fbaa] to "/home/lund/.julia/compiled/v1.9/DifferentialEquations/jl_oGg5uu".
ERROR: LoadError: InitError: could not load library "/home/lund/.julia/artifacts/cb7fc2801ca0133a5bdea4bc4585d07c08284cfa/lib/libsundials_sunlinsolklu.so"
libklu.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I've tried a couple of times removing things and starting again, but same error. Should libklu.so.1 be available on my platform, or is it meant to be in the package?

@aplund:matrix.org@aplund:matrix.orgoh... I see. I have libklu.so.2 not .1.04:53:53
@blackbeatle:matrix.orgblackbeatle joined the room.19:08:28
21 Oct 2023
@kage08:matrix.org@kage08:matrix.org left the room.05:55:28
22 Oct 2023
@dionysis:planting.space@dionysis:planting.space removed their profile picture.17:23:16
@dionysis:planting.space@dionysis:planting.space removed their display name dionysis.17:23:33
@dionysis:planting.space@dionysis:planting.space left the room.17:23:51
@aplund:matrix.org@aplund:matrix.org left the room.22:37:55
4 Nov 2023
@ericjmorey:matrix.org@ericjmorey:matrix.org What are your opinions on pluto.jl? Do people tend to just use jupyter? 20:54:37
6 Nov 2023
@hasnep:matrix.org@hasnep:matrix.orgIt does depend on the style of code you're writing, but personally I can't stand Jupyter and only use Pluto03:09:40
@hasnep:matrix.org@hasnep:matrix.orgI think most of the Julia community uses Pluto too, but there's some things it doesn't handle well, e.g. long running calculations like simulations, or code with lots of variable mutation03:10:32
@hasnep:matrix.org@hasnep:matrix.orgI miss Pluto every time I have to make a notebook with Python, I should just use Pluto and PyCall.jl 😂03:12:09
@ericjmorey:matrix.org@ericjmorey:matrix.orgI'm not sure what I think of either, but the bit I've used Jupyter has left me a bit frustrated. 03:22:55
@hasnep:matrix.org@hasnep:matrix.orgI find Jupyter annoying because of the statefullness, I don't like the idea that I could delete some code that I needed and break the notebook without knowing03:26:43
@hasnep:matrix.org@hasnep:matrix.orgSo when I use jupyter I'm constantly restarting the kernel and rerunning all the cells from top to bottom03:28:22
@hasnep:matrix.org@hasnep:matrix.orgPluto just does all that for me automatically, and without rerunning stuff that hasn't changed!03:28:54
@ericjmorey:matrix.org@ericjmorey:matrix.orgThanks for sharing!14:15:51
7 Nov 2023
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas WehPluto plays also much nicer with `git`. Jupyter got much better with the latest major release. But for teaching and short running things I still prefer Pluto.21:13:45
@qwjyh:matrix.orgqwjyhPluto with PlutoUI is a really great framework for small interactive application. Unlike jupyter, cell ordering doesn't affect execution ordering, so you can put use interfaces at the top and logics later.21:25:46
@qwjyh:matrix.orgqwjyh* Pluto with PlutoUI is a really great framework for small interactive application. Unlike jupyter, cell ordering doesn't affect execution ordering, so you can put user interfaces at the top and logics later.21:26:06
12 Nov 2023
@goios:matrix.orgAndre Goios joined the room.06:12:20
13 Nov 2023
@ericjmorey:matrix.org@ericjmorey:matrix.org changed their display name from ericjmorey to 🪐.00:33:02
@ericjmorey:matrix.org@ericjmorey:matrix.org changed their profile picture.16:33:01
@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org joined the room.19:15:02
14 Nov 2023
@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.org@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.orgHi everyone07:52:18
@hasnep:matrix.org@hasnep:matrix.org Hi Tux! 09:02:09
15 Nov 2023
@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflat joined the room.10:36:56
@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflatHi, I am new to Julia, but have done plenty of MATLAB and scientific Python in my time. I am just trying to understand how to vectorise an execution. a .* b works just fine. But now I have created a Vector{SVector} from the Rotations.jl package I have used push!(myVec, mySVec) To build the data structure10:41:03
@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflatI then create a rotation matrix using QuatRotation, to create the quaternion. myQuat * myVec[1] Returns a result as expected As do all subsequent indices But, when I go myVec .* myQuat10:42:39

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