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6 Nov 2023
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannesSo when I use jupyter I'm constantly restarting the kernel and rerunning all the cells from top to bottom03:28:22
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannesPluto just does all that for me automatically, and without rerunning stuff that hasn't changed!03:28:54
@ericjmorey:matrix.org🪐Thanks for sharing!14:15:51
7 Nov 2023
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas WehPluto plays also much nicer with `git`. Jupyter got much better with the latest major release. But for teaching and short running things I still prefer Pluto.21:13:45
@qwjyh:matrix.orgqwjyhPluto with PlutoUI is a really great framework for small interactive application. Unlike jupyter, cell ordering doesn't affect execution ordering, so you can put use interfaces at the top and logics later.21:25:46
@qwjyh:matrix.orgqwjyh* Pluto with PlutoUI is a really great framework for small interactive application. Unlike jupyter, cell ordering doesn't affect execution ordering, so you can put user interfaces at the top and logics later.21:26:06
12 Nov 2023
@goios:matrix.orgAndre Goios joined the room.06:12:20
13 Nov 2023
@ericjmorey:matrix.org🪐 changed their display name from ericjmorey to 🪐.00:33:02
@ericjmorey:matrix.org🪐 changed their profile picture.16:33:01
@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.orgTux joined the room.19:15:02
14 Nov 2023
@tuxtuxtuxtuxtux:opensuse.orgTuxHi everyone07:52:18
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannes Hi Tux! 09:02:09
15 Nov 2023
@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflat joined the room.10:36:56
@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflatHi, I am new to Julia, but have done plenty of MATLAB and scientific Python in my time. I am just trying to understand how to vectorise an execution. a .* b works just fine. But now I have created a Vector{SVector} from the Rotations.jl package I have used push!(myVec, mySVec) To build the data structure10:41:03
@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflatI then create a rotation matrix using QuatRotation, to create the quaternion. myQuat * myVec[1] Returns a result as expected As do all subsequent indices But, when I go myVec .* myQuat10:42:39
@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflatDimensionMismatch: arrays could not be broadcast to a common size10:43:21
@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflatMy guess is SVector is actually a static Vector and the .* Is trying to do an element wise multiply across the two, rather than treating myVec as a single value.10:53:33

.* treated Vector{SVector} as you want.
In this case, myQuat is also broadcasted and cause dimension mismatch.
To handle this correctly, you need to wrap myQuat with Ref.

julia> Ref(my_quat) .* my_vec
5-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:

For more information, see .* (and broadcast) in the help mode.

@qwjyh:matrix.orgqwjyh *

.* treated Vector{SVector} as you wanted.
In this case, myQuat is also broadcasted and cause dimension mismatch.
To handle this correctly, you need to wrap myQuat with Ref.

julia> Ref(my_quat) .* my_vec
5-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:

For more information, see .* (and broadcast) in the help mode.

@qwjyh:matrix.orgqwjyh *

Indeed, .* treated Vector{SVector} as you wanted.
In this case, myQuat is also broadcasted and cause dimension mismatch.
To handle this correctly, you need to wrap myQuat with Ref.

julia> Ref(my_quat) .* my_vec
5-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:

For more information, see .* (and broadcast) in the help mode.

@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflatThank you so much!20:05:44
20 Nov 2023
@songtaogui:matrix.orgSongtao Gui joined the room.07:11:30
28 Nov 2023
@norliana:matrix.orgMajor General David C. Hill joined the room.18:50:55
@norliana:matrix.orgMajor General David C. Hill left the room.19:13:55
30 Nov 2023
@finlifin:matrix.orgfinlifin left the room.15:34:47
1 Dec 2023
@malte:maltee.deMalte E joined the room.10:30:28
@malte:maltee.deMalte EI'm trying to convert a system from discrete to continuous, not by using d2c but by replacing z^-1 by exp(-s*T) as this provides a more accurate representation. How would I do that (for a MIMO state space system)? 10:41:38
@malte:maltee.deMalte EThe best way I can think of is to separate the system in its matrices, assemble everything with a continuous instead of discrete delay and re-assign the input/output names. That's just very clunky for what should be a fairly simple operation.10:51:38
@malte:maltee.deMalte Ecan I even assign input and output names to delay systems?10:54:54
@malte:maltee.deMalte EIf I could get an equivalent of setDelayModel from MATLAB, that would also suffice11:32:55

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