
Julia (lang)

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General help and discussion about the Julia language36 Servers

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18 May 2023
@hodapp:cirrus.derp.clubhodapp joined the room.10:11:59
20 May 2023
@hamish.mclean:matrix.orgHamish McLean joined the room.16:11:12
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.22:47:37
23 May 2023
@trmt:matrix.org@trmt:matrix.org left the room.19:52:41
25 May 2023
@hervyqa:matrix.orgHervy Qurrotul Ainur joined the room.00:57:17
@hervyqa:matrix.orgHervy Qurrotul Ainur changed their display name from Hervy Qurrotul Ainur to Hervy Qurrotul Ainur Rozi.01:02:20
1 Jun 2023
@chris_peters:matrix.orgDr. Chris Peters, PhD joined the room.10:59:13
5 Jun 2023
@bottine:matrix.org@bottine:matrix.org left the room.07:01:57
8 Jun 2023
@heday:matrix.org@heday:matrix.org left the room.15:11:31
14 Jun 2023
@asapoema:matrix.org@asapoema:matrix.org left the room.14:59:39
17 Jun 2023
@bzbz1:matrix.orgbzbzbz1@matrix changed their display name from bzbzbz1 to bzbzbz1@matrix.09:11:34
@aadimator:matrix.orgMr. Robot joined the room.15:00:24
21 Jun 2023
@hamish.mclean:matrix.orgHamish McLean set a profile picture.19:04:09
23 Jun 2023
@sensed_landline:matrix.org@sensed_landline:matrix.org left the room.04:55:37
25 Jun 2023
@tpoisot:matrix.org@tpoisot:matrix.org joined the room.17:39:47
@tpoisot:matrix.org@tpoisot:matrix.org left the room.17:42:20
27 Jun 2023
@headphonejack:matrix.orgheadphonejack joined the room.17:54:53
@headphonejack:matrix.orgheadphonejack What editor is recommended on Linux to be used with Julia beside VSCode/VSCodium? Which editor knows of for example the conversion from \div to the appropiate symbol? 18:05:58
@sixzero:matrix.orgSixZeroI think vscode should also know it, but atom for sure knew it.20:30:39
@sixzero:matrix.orgSixZeroprobably there is an extension for it? :O20:30:48
In reply to @headphonejack:matrix.org
What editor is recommended on Linux to be used with Julia beside VSCode/VSCodium? Which editor knows of for example the conversion from \div to the appropiate symbol?
With Vim/Neovim it's as easy as installing the plugin: https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vim
28 Jun 2023
@headphonejack:matrix.orgheadphonejackBeside Helix I love NeoVim! :) That are good news - will check that 02:07:31
@headphonejack:matrix.orgheadphonejackThank you!!!02:07:38
29 Jun 2023
@headphonejack:matrix.orgheadphonejack Is it possible to use Julia fully when not having the ability to use the <latex command> sequences to enter special synbols? Are there aliases for those? 02:19:53
In reply to @headphonejack:matrix.org
Is it possible to use Julia fully when not having the ability to use the <latex command> sequences to enter special synbols? Are there aliases for those?

Yeah, I believe in the stdlib all the special characters are just aliases for functions, e.g. the × symbol for cross products is just an alias for the cross function.

In theory a package could define a function that can only be accessed using a special symbol, but not everyone chooses to use these symbols, so every package I've seen that has special symbols also has a longer function name as well.

@hasnep:matrix.orgHannesAnd if you do find a function that is only defined using a symbol then you can create an alias for it, I think the syntax would be something like this: ``` using AnnoyingPackage: § const better_name = AnnoyingPackage.(:§) ```03:15:12
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannes* And if you do find a function that is only defined using a symbol then you can create an alias for it, I think the syntax would be something like this: ```` using AnnoyingPackage: § const better_name = AnnoyingPackage.(:§) ````03:15:35
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannes* And if you do find a function that is only defined using a symbol then you can create an alias for it, I think the syntax would be something like this: using AnnoyingPackage: § const better_name = AnnoyingPackage.(:§)03:18:00
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannes* And if you do find a function that is only defined using a symbol then you can create an alias for it, I think the syntax would be something like this: `const better_name = AnnoyingPackage.(:§)`03:18:20
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannesRedacted or Malformed Event03:18:44

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