
Julia (lang)

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8 Sep 2023
@rnlee:matrix.org@rnlee:matrix.org joined the room.19:45:11
9 Sep 2023
@rnlee:matrix.org@rnlee:matrix.org left the room.01:30:31
10 Sep 2023
@mackan:matrix.org@mackan:matrix.org left the room.21:40:47
17 Sep 2023
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabsopennmt with julia?16:22:31
22 Sep 2023
@thoughtweaver:matrix.org@thoughtweaver:matrix.org joined the room.06:50:19
23 Sep 2023
@hassanalsheikh:matrix.org@hassanalsheikh:matrix.org left the room.11:10:13
24 Sep 2023
@thoughtweaver:matrix.org@thoughtweaver:matrix.org left the room.06:15:28
27 Sep 2023
@finlifin:matrix.org@finlifin:matrix.org changed their profile picture.16:40:30
29 Sep 2023
@osso33:matrix.org@osso33:matrix.org left the room.08:18:10
11 Oct 2023

What are your opinions on this book?



Julia as a Second Language:

General purpose programming with a taste of data science


Passing along this resource  from Hacker News:

Geospatial data science with Julia | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37839437

14 Oct 2023
@cpgj:matrix.org@cpgj:matrix.org left the room.04:48:05
15 Oct 2023
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannes changed their display name from Hasnep to Hannes.14:45:37
18 Oct 2023
@earache:matrix.orgearAche changed their profile picture.18:42:11
20 Oct 2023
@aplund:matrix.org@aplund:matrix.org joined the room.04:50:34

I'm trying to use the DifferentialEquations.jl package on a fresh install, but I keep getting this error:

Failed to precompile DifferentialEquations [0c46a032-eb83-5123-abaf-570d42b7fbaa] to "/home/lund/.julia/compiled/v1.9/DifferentialEquations/jl_oGg5uu".
ERROR: LoadError: InitError: could not load library "/home/lund/.julia/artifacts/cb7fc2801ca0133a5bdea4bc4585d07c08284cfa/lib/libsundials_sunlinsolklu.so"
libklu.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I've tried a couple of times removing things and starting again, but same error. Should libklu.so.1 be available on my platform, or is it meant to be in the package?

@aplund:matrix.org@aplund:matrix.orgoh... I see. I have libklu.so.2 not .1.04:53:53
@blackbeatle:matrix.orgblackbeatle joined the room.19:08:28
21 Oct 2023
@kage08:matrix.org@kage08:matrix.org left the room.05:55:28
22 Oct 2023
@dionysis:planting.space@dionysis:planting.space removed their profile picture.17:23:16
@dionysis:planting.space@dionysis:planting.space removed their display name dionysis.17:23:33
@dionysis:planting.space@dionysis:planting.space left the room.17:23:51
@aplund:matrix.org@aplund:matrix.org left the room.22:37:55
4 Nov 2023
@ericjmorey:matrix.org@ericjmorey:matrix.org What are your opinions on pluto.jl? Do people tend to just use jupyter? 20:54:37
6 Nov 2023
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannesIt does depend on the style of code you're writing, but personally I can't stand Jupyter and only use Pluto03:09:40
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannesI think most of the Julia community uses Pluto too, but there's some things it doesn't handle well, e.g. long running calculations like simulations, or code with lots of variable mutation03:10:32
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannesI miss Pluto every time I have to make a notebook with Python, I should just use Pluto and PyCall.jl 😂03:12:09
@ericjmorey:matrix.org@ericjmorey:matrix.orgI'm not sure what I think of either, but the bit I've used Jupyter has left me a bit frustrated. 03:22:55
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannesI find Jupyter annoying because of the statefullness, I don't like the idea that I could delete some code that I needed and break the notebook without knowing03:26:43

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