
Julia (lang)

317 Members
General help and discussion about the Julia language36 Servers

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10 Mar 2024
@rpanades:matrix.org@rpanades:matrix.org left the room.19:03:30
15 Mar 2024
@eduardocaridad:matrix.orgminguHello. I am starting with Julia and I need help. Can anyone help me?15:19:08
@eduardocaridad:matrix.orgminguI try to load a lot of WAV files in array and after write a bucle using "load" to stract datas and frecuency, but i dont know how. Can anyone help me?15:21:27
@malte:maltee.de@malte:maltee.de @mingu this room is dead, use discourse.julialiang.org 23:09:00
@malte:maltee.de@malte:maltee.de * @mingu this room is dead, use discourse.julialang.org 23:09:23
@malte:maltee.de@malte:maltee.de left the room.23:09:33
16 Mar 2024
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannes mingu you can also check the Julia website for links to other channels like the Zulip or Slack https://julialang.org/community/ 02:07:55
23 Mar 2024
@ericjmorey:matrix.org@ericjmorey:matrix.org left the room.03:43:46
19 Apr 2024
@tosigus:matrix.org@tosigus:matrix.org left the room.08:08:40
20 Apr 2024
@teru-ida:matrix.org@teru-ida:matrix.org left the room.13:57:04
@paki23:matrix.org@paki23:matrix.org joined the room.17:59:20
@paki23:matrix.org@paki23:matrix.org left the room.17:59:39
28 Apr 2024
@falko_:matrix.orgfalko joined the room.19:23:58
1 May 2024
@daschw:matrix.org@daschw:matrix.org joined the room.19:28:47
@daschw:matrix.org@daschw:matrix.org left the room.19:30:48
3 May 2024
@p14:matrix.orgp14 joined the room.13:44:25
16 May 2024
@sfmb:matrix.orgsfmb changed their display name from sfmb to jaalkab.19:34:42
@sfmb:matrix.orgsfmb changed their profile picture.19:35:44
@sfmb:matrix.orgsfmb changed their display name from jaalkab to sfmb.19:39:50
@sfmb:matrix.orgsfmb changed their profile picture.19:40:16
18 May 2024
@sfmb:matrix.orgsfmbIndeed @Hannes00:33:52
@demcgovern:matrix.org@demcgovern:matrix.org left the room.18:51:41
24 May 2024
@silverblade05:matrix.orglinnmetal joined the room.16:54:42
@silverblade05:matrix.orglinnmetal changed their display name from silverblade05 to linnmetal.19:20:06
1 Jul 2024
@slowstop:matrix.org@slowstop:matrix.org joined the room.02:14:32
@slowstop:matrix.org@slowstop:matrix.org left the room.02:17:53
@hervyqa:matrix.orgHervy Qurrotul Ainur changed their profile picture.11:06:02
@hervyqa:matrix.orgHervy Qurrotul Ainur changed their display name from Hervy Qurrotul Ainur Rozi to Hervy Qurrotul Ainur.11:51:28
9 Jul 2024
14 Jul 2024
@kt315a:matrix.orgКТ315 joined the room.12:51:12

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