
Lemmy Project Chat

736 Members
General discussion about Lemmy project Website: https://join-lemmy.org/ Github: https://github.com/LemmyNet/ Other chats: https://matrix.to/#/#lemmy-space:matrix.org108 Servers

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22 Jul 2024
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitethe pictrs block has a new line: "- PICTRS__MEDIA__EXTERNAL_VALIDATION=http://{{ domain }}:14051/api/v1/scan/IPADDR", am i just putting my domain name there?21:48:30
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitei didn't have anything like that in my old config file21:48:43
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitei give up lol21:58:47
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitethere's no explanations to anything21:58:54
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitei tried just using my old docker-compose.yml file, which has worked perfectly through 0.19.3, but now all of my images on my server are corrupt21:59:24
Download image.png
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteactually now whole lemmy instance went offline21:59:54
Download image.png
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonite i would love to upgrade one day. i don't want my instance to die 22:00:30
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitebut everything after 0.19.3 just fails22:00:43
@walden_:matrix.orgwalden_Are you trying to use the Ansible docker compose when not using Ansible? 22:26:15
@walden_:matrix.orgwalden_You can't have any %{} type stuff in docker compose22:26:48
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteI was following the docker instructions and ran that eget command to get the latest22:45:26
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteI couldn't figure out what to update in that file so I just nuked it and used my existing docker file and changed the versions to 0.19.522:46:02
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteDidn't work, though that file had been working up to 0.19.322:46:40
@walden_:matrix.orgwalden_The docker instructions still atink23:04:31
@walden_:matrix.orgwalden_Same as last time23:04:37
@mpeter:grin.hu@mpeter:grin.hu left the room.23:10:31
23 Jul 2024
In reply to @gwilliams:matrix.org
I couldn't figure out what to update in that file so I just nuked it and used my existing docker file and changed the versions to 0.19.5
thats exactly what you need to do, there are no other changes needed
@nutomic:matrix.orgnutomici made some improvements to the docker instructions, please comment if something is still unclear09:54:30
In reply to @nutomic:matrix.org
i made some improvements to the docker instructions, please comment if something is still unclear

Two things come to mind:

  • A saying attributed to Eistein: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler"
  • This brilliant Richard Feynnman's interview clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36GT2zI8lVA

An admin who cannot run an upgrade via a ready-made playbook is bound to a world of pain.
I am not trying to dissuade anyone from hosting an instance.
I am trying to suggest learning the fundamentals first; it will become invaluable in the near future.

24 Jul 2024
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL (overly long political statement goes here) to LjL.16:22:42
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteOk, here is a list of things I self host readily and don't have issues: Nextcloud - manual install Immich Lubelogger Snipe-IT ActualBudget Jellyfin Jitsi Keycloak Mealie Paperless-NGX Sonarr/Radarr/Prowlarr/Bazarr/Readarr/Sabnzbd 18:01:54
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteI run gentoo on my personal desktop for fun, debian on servers18:02:13
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteI am not a developer, but I am also not new to self hosting18:02:36
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonite If docker is an official installation method of lemmy, which it is (even if ansible is preferred), there needs to be better documentation for it. I'm not a genius, but I'm not an idiot, and I cannot figure out how to upgrade to 0.19.4 nor 0.19.5 18:03:46
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteThe difference between the above services and Lemmy are: the above services have decent documentation. If an simple "docker compose pull && docker compose up -d" isn't enough for a major version change, they tell you what you need to do18:05:06
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteGentoo has a guide written so well that an idiot could install gentoo just by following the guide18:05:25
In reply to @nutomic:matrix.org
i made some improvements to the docker instructions, please comment if something is still unclear
I just tried your docker-compose.yml file and updated where I saw I needed to update

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