
Lemmy Project Chat

732 Members
General discussion about Lemmy project Website: https://join-lemmy.org/ Github: https://github.com/LemmyNet/ Other chats: https://matrix.to/#/#lemmy-space:matrix.org106 Servers

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5 Aug 2024
@fiveseven:matrix.org@fiveseven:matrix.org joined the room.01:34:22
@fiveseven:matrix.org@fiveseven:matrix.org left the room.01:35:04
6 Aug 2024
@celediel:burning.moe@celediel:burning.moe left the room.15:33:13
7 Aug 2024
@p-marg:envs.net@p-marg:envs.net joined the room.21:01:39
@p-marg:envs.net@p-marg:envs.net left the room.21:17:21
8 Aug 2024
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitehas anybody seen pictrs just lose all images on an upgrade19:09:48
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitei hadn't updated since about may. ran an update today, docker compose pull and docker compose up -d, and all past images are corrupt19:10:12
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitebut pictrs seems to be working fine for new images19:10:22
In reply to @gwilliams:matrix.org
has anybody seen pictrs just lose all images on an upgrade
I've seen you with this problem before... did you ever end up taking anyone's advice or help?
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitewell this is the first time that my instance seems to be in a working condition after upgrading20:15:54
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsoniteall new images are working20:15:59
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitei don't believe ive ever had this happen before. it would always start with broken images and then eventually i would see "server unavailable" or something like that20:16:29
@gwilliams:matrix.orgSamsonitethis seems like everything else is working, i can make new posts, add new images, etc. just all previous images are corrupt20:16:53
In reply to @gwilliams:matrix.org
this seems like everything else is working, i can make new posts, add new images, etc. just all previous images are corrupt
I say don't touch it. Let it sit and think for a while.
9 Aug 2024
@wrottik:matrix.org~#!/usr/mittwerk️ set a profile picture.05:23:18
10 Aug 2024
@soullionx:matrix.orgSoullioness joined the room.06:21:28
@woylie:matrix.orgwoylie joined the room.08:00:26
@purplebooger:matrix.orgpurplebooger joined the room.12:52:58
12 Aug 2024
@asudox:matrix.orgAsudox changed their profile picture.18:25:08
13 Aug 2024
@micheledm:matrix.orgmicheledm joined the room.11:40:24
@_xmpp_frony=40xmpp.fi:matrix.orgbqv changed their display name from bqv to frony.19:48:05
@_xmpp_frony=40xmpp.fi:matrix.orgbqv changed their display name from frony to bqv.19:48:10
@_xmpp_frony=40xmpp.fi:matrix.orgbqv changed their display name from bqv to frony.23:11:35
@_xmpp_frony=40xmpp.fi:matrix.orgbqv changed their display name from frony to bqv.23:11:36
14 Aug 2024
@nasko:nitro.chatNasko joined the room.21:12:33
@wowbagger:fuckoffwerefull.net@wowbagger:fuckoffwerefull.net changed their display name from Wowbagger to Zardoz_Lover.23:44:19
15 Aug 2024
@hpfr:matrix.orghpfr joined the room.14:12:46
16 Aug 2024
@wowbagger:fuckoffwerefull.net@wowbagger:fuckoffwerefull.net changed their display name from Zardoz_Lover to YoGabaGabara.16:49:10
@jolly.roberts:matrix.orgjolly.roberts joined the room.18:22:40
18 Aug 2024
@jamietruong:matrix.orgSimon changed their display name from Jamie Truong to Simon.05:08:23

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