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11 Jan 2024
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill i only have Prebuilts in mind thhat offers 3Pin ARGB headers like the mobo has, none comes with a JSTM 10 Converter
on Some Asus boards they deliver 1 ARGB to JSTM Cable, but u can order them online
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill Razer Chroma 20:43:15
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill i Present: 20:43:16
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill - Channels Count (aka Zone inside OpenRGB) = 6
- Max LEDs Totally = Max 240
- Max LEDs per Channel = Max 80 (3 Channels @ 80 Leds reach Total Limit)
- Synch Rate (FPS) = Up to 60
- Ability to save the State = I think No
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill * i would say at this point this vary strongly on your "needs"
- Channels Count (aka Zone inside OpenRGB)
- Max LEDs Totally
- Max LEDs per Channel
- Synch Rate (FPS)
- Ability to save the State
- Has HW Modes
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill * - Channels Count (aka Zone inside OpenRGB) = 6
- Max LEDs Totally = Max 240
- Max LEDs per Channel = Max 80 (3 Channels @ 80 Leds reach Total Limit)
- Synch Rate (FPS) = Up to 60
- Ability to save the State = I think No
- Has HW Modes = Yes
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill its not a "real" Controller, its just a Splitter built inside the Case "Controller" PCB 20:46:59
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill it offers not an USB connection and HW Modes 20:47:13
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill might Button Press Modes and MB Synch whhen Hold ord similar 20:47:28
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill * might Button Press Modes and MB Synch when Hold or similar 20:47:55
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta Yep, that is a parallel splitter. 20:51:44
12 Jan 2024
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 yes you can direct contact cnn123666 01:59:44
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 * yes you can dm cnn123666 02:03:44
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 AFAIK keychron doesn't have profile 02:47:46
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 Why would you buy lian li fan? 09:51:41
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005676144332.html
there are clones 3 times cheaper, 3 times working better than Lian Li
Download IJMO2TWGL79Y0OSUE9P.jpg
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 the Lian Li SL fan controller don't have direct mode 10:06:46
@_discord_139075711553110016:t2bot.iodarkiox changed their display name from Darkiox to darkiox.19:06:28
13 Jan 2024
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 can you elaborate? 01:04:33
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 does it get detect when you run as administrator? 01:31:07
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 check your device manager, do yo have a driver name "Synaptics SMBUS Driver"? 01:44:30
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 * check your device manager, do you have a driver name "Synaptics SMBUS Driver"? 01:44:38
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 if you see this driver, uninstall it, install the correct one (Intel/AMD) 01:45:53
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 if you don't see any SMBus at all, install your Chipset drivers 01:46:17
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot the issues on the gitlab page 06:03:32
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB/-/issues/new 06:05:56
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB/-/issues/ but first check if there is already an issue 06:07:19
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 it has been supported for a while 14:29:08
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta There was an old instruction to change the drivers previously for some devices. 19:02:27

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