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26 Jul 2024
@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org joined the room.06:52:52
@_oftc_xmn:matrix.orgxmn left the room.06:52:55
@tpikonen:nitro.chattpikonen I updated the permanently-WIP pure-maps package, but the repo in salsa is archived. Could it be added to Debian On Mobile group? Maybe spaetz can do that? 07:24:23
In reply to @telegram_909638165:t2bot.io
Do you run clapper like this?
I used before vp8 coded file. With h264 I get this
Download clipboard.png
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppix https://test-videos.co.uk/vids/bigbuckbunny/mp4/h264/720/Big_Buck_Bunny_720_10s_5MB.mp4 08:45:39
@_oftc_Ericounet:matrix.orgEricounet left the room.09:41:56
@_oftc_Ericounet:matrix.orgEricounet joined the room.11:33:29
@_oftc_timothy:matrix.org@_oftc_timothy:matrix.org joined the room.11:48:04
@_oftc_trekkie1701c:matrix.orgtrekkie1701c joined the room.13:50:17
@_oftc_xmn:matrix.orgxmn joined the room.14:05:22
@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org left the room.14:48:24
@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org joined the room.14:51:01
@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org left the room.15:26:54
@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org joined the room.15:32:20
@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org@_oftc_NTduck:matrix.org left the room.15:32:22
@telegram_778421164:t2bot.io@galex713 (ni/nia/nin) fr it eo
In reply to @maryjane:tchncs.de
maybe lost internet connection after it was started
oh sorry i found out: dns was broken
In reply to @telegram_778421164:t2bot.io
oh sorry i found out: dns was broken
for the case in question the result is the same :)
@telegram_778421164:t2bot.io@galex713 (ni/nia/nin) fr it eo
In reply to @maryjane:tchncs.de
for the case in question the result is the same :)
except telegram was working so i didn't know...
@_oftc_trekkie1701c:matrix.orgtrekkie1701c left the room.19:18:37
@_oftc_trekkie1701c:matrix.orgtrekkie1701c joined the room.19:20:41
@_oftc_timothy:matrix.org@_oftc_timothy:matrix.org left the room.22:50:49
27 Jul 2024
@_oftc_Avron:matrix.orgAvron left the room.00:35:24
@_oftc_Avron:matrix.orgAvron joined the room.00:42:24
@_oftc_vagrantc-xyz:matrix.orgvagrantc-xyz what's the state of the art for alarm clocks on mobian these days? :) ... i fiddled with rtcwake on the librem5 but not sure it was working at all 00:51:10
@undef:cripslock.undef.toolsUndefgnome-clocks IIRC has support for waking the device, but it may need some tweaking to get it to work still. wake-mobile is the one that "just works" but uses suid hacks to get that to happen.00:57:40
@_oftc_vagrantc-xyz:matrix.orgvagrantc-xyz i'll try wake-mobile ... played with it ages ago 01:00:18
@_oftc_vagrantc-xyz:matrix.orgvagrantc-xyzand see if gnome-clocks is doing any better01:02:33
@_oftc_vagrantc-xyz:matrix.orgvagrantc-xyznot sure what i would have to tweak to get gnome-clocks working, but it definitely did not wake out-of-the-box.01:20:11
@_oftc_vagrantc-xyz:matrix.orgvagrantc-xyz will try wake-mobile again ... see if i can patch it to support setting actual times rather than "in X hours and Y minutes" 01:21:34

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