
Decentralized Web: General

1911 Members
Discussion around creating the Decentralized Web | GetDWeb.net113 Servers

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15 Jul 2024
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine changed their display name from Amandine (away back 15/7) to Amandine.07:49:10
@shouviksarkar:matrix.orgshouviksarkarRedacted or Malformed Event14:30:18
16 Jul 2024
@shouviksarkar:matrix.orgshouviksarkarRedacted or Malformed Event05:04:30
@stormyblaze:matrix.org@stormyblaze:matrix.org joined the room.14:48:24
@stormyblaze:matrix.org@stormyblaze:matrix.org left the room.14:58:33
@edward:matrix.orgEdward changed their display name from Edward Betts to Edward.23:56:28
17 Jul 2024
@maibits:matrix.orgmaiHi there! We're having our last virtual meetup before we meet in the Redwoods in a few weeks. 🌲 DWeb Virtual Meetup: Everything You Need to Know About Camp 🌲 Thursday July 25, 2024 10am PT / 1pm ET / 7pm CET Our organizers want to share what we have in store and how you can be best prepared to make the most of our your experience. Here are some of the things we will cover at this meetup: Emergent Day β€” The way we're organizing unconference programming Family Programming β€” The children-centered activities offered at Camp Demo Night Market β€” The opportunity to try out ready-to-use DWeb tools Decentralized Food β€” Camp programming focused on global food sovereignty Code of Conduct β€” Introducing the on-site team available to support Campers What to Bring β€” All the necessities and nice-to-haves we suggest you bring Following the hour of presentations, we will meet in Gather.town for an informal hang out where you can meet and see friends, and connect over your plans for Camp. Register here >>> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dweb-meetup-everything-you-need-to-know-about-camp-tickets-94936695110723:53:22
18 Jul 2024
@emelpro:matrix.orgemelpro joined the room.02:15:09

Hi there, we've got an important announcement β€”

πŸ“’ Deadline to register for DWeb Camp is end of day SUNDAY July 21st πŸ“’

If you’re still planning to come to Camp or bring friends, family, or colleagues, the last day to get your tickets is this Sunday (only three days away).

Why? We need to get our final headcount to the caterer next week. We're also selling out of tents and cabins so it's a good time to lock in your accommodation.

Register here or pass along this link >>>

19 Jul 2024
@jernst:matrix.orgJohannes ErnstIs there some place to ask logistics questions (such as: is there a store nearby for camp supply needs) other than the Eventbrite meetup next week?00:16:54
@jonuno:matrix.orgjonuno joined the room.02:53:46
In reply to @jernst:matrix.org
Is there some place to ask logistics questions (such as: is there a store nearby for camp supply needs) other than the Eventbrite meetup next week?

The closest store is Navarro General Store, which is a 5 min drive away.

This channel in Matrix, or our Discord, or email (dweb @ archive.org) are all ways you can ask us any questions you have. πŸ‘

In reply to @jernst:matrix.org
Is there some place to ask logistics questions (such as: is there a store nearby for camp supply needs) other than the Eventbrite meetup next week?
* The closest store is Navarro General Store, which is a 5 min drive away. They’ll most have food items though, not camping supplies.
This channel in Matrix, or our Discord, or email (dweb @ archive.org) are all ways you can ask us any questions you have. πŸ‘
@shouviksarkar:matrix.orgshouviksarkarRedacted or Malformed Event23:56:20
20 Jul 2024
@spatialcadet:matrix.org@spatialcadet:matrix.org joined the room.01:29:45
@spatialcadet:matrix.org@spatialcadet:matrix.org left the room.01:33:40
22 Jul 2024
@maibits:matrix.orgmaihi all! Everyone who is registered to Camp should have a received an email from me on Friday with the subject line "DWEB CAMP: Important Updates β€” COVID Policy + Registration Deadline + Virtual Meetup" Please read it in full because it contains important updates and information in it. If you did not receive the email, please let me know. Most immediately, we want to make sure everyone knows about our COVID policy. The biggest update is that due to a new rise in cases and variants, we will ask everyone to test (PCR or rapid) within 24 hours of boarding the buses and/or arriving at Camp. Please try and secure a test and bring it with you or take a photo of it with a negative result. Here is the full Camp COVID policy: https://dwebcamp.org/covid/21:24:13
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:33:56
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.22:37:20
23 Jul 2024
@djprogen:matrix.orgdjprogen joined the room.03:16:08
24 Jul 2024
@petokask:matrix.org@petokask:matrix.org left the room.20:31:56
@shouviksarkar:matrix.orgshouviksarkarRedacted or Malformed Event23:30:48
@jernst:matrix.orgJohannes ErnstIs there some moderation in this group?23:40:31
25 Jul 2024
@catsnacks:matrix.orgcatsnacks joined the room.13:25:20
@bgrayburn:matrix.orgbgrayburn joined the room.18:23:31
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil_away changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.23:10:16
26 Jul 2024
@hydm:matrix.org@hydm:matrix.org left the room.08:57:21
@clinamenic:matrix.orgclinamenic joined the room.21:43:29
@batool664:matrix.orgBatool Almarzouq joined the room.22:18:00
@aka221:matrix.orgaka221 joined the room.23:17:31

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