
Diode (Bridged to Telegram)

258 Members
General discussion on all things Diode. https://diode.io2 Servers

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22 Mar 2024
@telegram_718754437:t2bot.ioHans Heya @Luis_1x Welcome! 04:08:42
@telegram_861751158:t2bot.ioLUI5 12:50:05
@telegram_861751158:t2bot.ioLUI5 changed their display name from LUI5 (Temporary Off) to LUI5.12:50:10
@telegram_1437916936:t2bot.ioShinobi In what ways, if any, might this impact Diode on Macs? https://www.zetter-zeroday.com/apple-chips/ 14:24:35
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames Tervit
In reply to Shinobi
In what ways, if any, might this impact Diode on Macs? https://www.zetter-zeroday.com/apple-chips/
If they had diode in the ecosystem it would be a non event with zero lateral movement and checks at physical layer to protect layer 7
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames TervitThis is due to application developers implementing half baked encrytption strategies15:07:10
@telegram_1437916936:t2bot.ioShinobi Who is the "they" @jamest65 Apple or the end user? 15:07:59
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames TervitApplication devs15:12:49
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames Terviti can further explain15:14:44
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames Tervitanomaly detection will circumvent any of this apple malware. 54 minutes is not an issue. The refresh rate on diode is milliseconds and can be encrypted independently of chip level.15:18:06
@telegram_1437916936:t2bot.ioShinobiand to be fair, the problem is with the mac and not Diode but was asked this question from a developer using Diode in a very security conscious region, thus my questions.15:22:25
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames TervitI would say it depends on the app but diode has no exposure. This is actually putting diode in a good light.15:22:15
@telegram_1437916936:t2bot.ioShinobi Thanks for the information and education. So I am assuming that at this point in time, there is then at least some theoretical risk with those using a Mac and Diode. Is that a fair assessment in your opinion @jamest65 ? 15:20:35
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames Tervit
In reply to Shinobi
and to be fair, the problem is with the mac and not Diode but was asked this question from a developer using Diode in a very security conscious region, thus my questions.
cpu functions are an issue if you rely on cpu compute at ingress. Diode wouldnt be at risk, i openly discuss this with clients to make sure lateral risks are minimised
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames TervitI demoed a banking app to show how this risk can bebmanaged with diode and anomaly 3rd party detection.15:27:47
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames TervitThis does need a more deeper discussion but I have tested diode in so many risk cases and I have not had one hacker team find my source never mind inject it.15:29:47
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames TervitExample: i publish an esp32 interface out via diode to a cloudflare sub domain and to expose it would take reverse engineering 8 layers of encryption real time. Hehehe i cannot wait for anyone to call us on this.15:32:38
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames TervitI am using this approach to drive proxyless vpn peer to peer15:33:42
@telegram_1437916936:t2bot.ioShinobi Thanks @jamest65 15:36:18
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames Tervit
In reply to Shinobi
Thanks @jamest65
Most welcome, were going y0to pubkish mire stuff to show how diode mitigates a lot of this
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames Tervit* Most welcome, were going to publish more stuff to show how diode mitigates a lot of this15:39:43
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames TervitSubmarine outages etc15:40:41
@telegram_743384514:t2bot.ioJames TervitI have signed up to Tim Berners Lees contract for the web as diode is front and centre part of that agenda. A very hard path to take but www was also hard in 9115:44:49
In reply to Maliah
Hello all!

We will be doing another live AMA on the Diode X Account at 8am (PST) on 03/28 about Diode's perspective on AI/LLM and the privacy implications. Stay tuned! Hope to see you there. 😁
Can you remind me what is the event link MNJR ?
@telegram_718754437:t2bot.ioHans Ah, nvm, found it: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/llmai-privacy-diode-live-ama-tickets-868115435637 17:08:13
28 Mar 2024
@telegram_1579409714:t2bot.ioMaliah 30 minutes until the Diode AMA! All event details are here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/llmai-privacy-diode-live-ama-tickets-868115435637

Hope to see you there!
@telegram_1579409714:t2bot.ioMaliah Thanks to those who were able to join us! If you missed it, but are curious about the topic, we have it recorded here: https://x.com/diode_chain/status/1773363819756007717?s=20 15:42:25
29 Mar 2024
@telegram_1109223102:t2bot.ioابو يحيى joined the room.17:41:21
31 Mar 2024
@telegram_5529599399:t2bot.iomichael OdumosuGreetings checkking in I'm using diode proxy for GCP Oauth redirect however I keep getting Oauth redirect mismatch is there any way diode could be messing with things12:07:59
@telegram_1152252643:t2bot.ioதுஷ்யந்தன் ஜேக்கப் joined the room.18:17:17

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