
Survival en Preppen chat

206 Members
Voorbereid, zelfvoorzienend en autonoom blijven denken. ✅🛠️ 3 Servers

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26 Nov 2023
@pedocepe:matrix.orgFabian F. joined the room.02:35:15
@pedocepe:matrix.orgFabian F. set a profile picture.18:12:48
21 Feb 2024
@t0mthumb13:matrix.org@t0mthumb13:matrix.org joined the room.09:37:13
@t0mthumb13:matrix.org@t0mthumb13:matrix.org left the room.09:37:13
25 Mar 2024
@frankna:matrix.orgfrankna joined the room.05:56:14
@johan.k:matrix.org@johan.k:matrix.org joined the room.08:43:10
@johan.k:matrix.org@johan.k:matrix.org left the room.08:49:41
@maartenvdfrobaeys:matrix.orgM*R_DAPIPO joined the room.08:59:48
@candyman:matrix.orgcandyman joined the room.09:18:39
@rick___:matrix.orgrick___ joined the room.09:20:16
@maartenvdfrobaeys:matrix.orgM*R_DAPIPO changed their display name from Maarten “/*/” Robaeys to M*R_DAPIPO.09:56:22
@mechatron101:matrix.orgmechatron101 joined the room.17:26:01
@gabebrown:matrix.orggabebrown joined the room.19:28:02
27 Mar 2024
@fe2021:matrix.orgFenna Eleveld joined the room.20:31:17
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.22:30:44
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.23:11:25
27 Apr 2024
@baby_shark_nemesis:matrix.orgКапитан "Небздящего" Шарки changed their profile picture.01:47:21
@baby_shark_nemesis:matrix.orgКапитан "Небздящего" Шарки changed their display name from Акулёныч(Кросс) to Капитан "Небздящего" Шарки.01:48:12
3 May 2024
@polderpiraat:matrix.org@polderpiraat:matrix.org left the room.22:58:47
13 May 2024
@pegasos4all:matrix.orgCor joined the room.01:54:09
14 May 2024
@hompie90:matrix.orghompie90 joined the room.05:03:42
3 Jul 2024
@negan87:matrix.orgnegan87 joined the room.07:44:07
@citroenmelisse1:matrix.orgMascha joined the room.09:36:34
@planet2050:matrix.orgᄂ Λ Ƭ Σ Я Λ ᄂ Ƭ Ή I П K Σ Я joined the room.16:32:16
@citroenmelisse1:matrix.orgMascha changed their display name from citroenmelisse1 to Mascha.17:48:15
4 Jul 2024
@boubert:matrix.orgboubert joined the room.07:19:55
8 Jul 2024
@perslek:matrix.orgloekideleeuw joined the room.06:30:35
@perslek:matrix.orgloekideleeuw changed their display name from phil Piet to loekideleeuw.06:33:30
12 Jul 2024
@benbeeld:matrix.orgbenbeeld joined the room.14:25:06
20 Jul 2024
@jacqueline78:matrix.orgjacqueline78 joined the room.11:28:56

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