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11 Dec 2023
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav I definitely have to put in a CMake check with an error if Poco is one of the affected versions. 12:22:13
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav Like this guy recently.
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav * Like this guy recently encountered the same issue.
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:04:50
24 Dec 2023
@_discord_277630595092447232:t2bot.iodavidstinnett joined the room.03:25:19
25 Dec 2023
@_discord_483756144100376616:t2bot.ioheck3 joined the room.08:44:16
27 Dec 2023
@_discord_911725636295491675:t2bot.iotwistedpair. joined the room.02:50:09
Please squash your commits into one (or two, one per file changed, if you like) to keep the history readable and people not accidentally checking out a state that's not "good". You can use git's interactive rebase for that, then force-push the new commits to this branch (no need to recreate the PR again).

just click the "Squash and merge" button bro
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav It's disabled for a good reason. 21:39:14
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav And better to teach people how to properly set up PRs for upstream repos, so we don't have to clean up their mess every time they do this. 21:40:02
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav Also no idea why he closed and recreated the same PR. 21:41:23
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_1186096405174038668:t2bot.iokikis440_41971 joined the room.13:13:55
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm joined the room.14:24:08
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm Okay cool. Thank you!

I've used projectM and milkdrop in the past with Winamp visualiations. I'm looking to put that into another open source software to add to or influence visuals with another program, "GL Mixer". I'd also be interested in finding a way to allow the audio data inputs to affect other parameters in gl mixer... though I definitely want to it be easy on system resources
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm Winamp/VLC visualisations 14:31:14
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm I've also come to this discord to learn from someone who might know how to use OSC to help control such parameters working GL Mixer and TouchOSC 14:33:08
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav Never really used this software. From the repo, the author also says it's discontinued and there's a new project called vimix.

@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm True, he told me he was working on a new one. I never was able to compile it at the point he mentioned it to me. Yes, gl mixer is stuck at 1.7 ... it's the most stable and has OSC capabilities I wish to utilize 14:35:35
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav The description says you can generate visuals using ShaderToy shaders, so in a way the software can already deal with rendered inputs.
So I'd say the best way to use projectM with it would be integrating it directly into the software - which should be really easy given libprojectM is made for this exact scenario.
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm I use Windows 14:36:14
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm I imagined it might be... like a plug-in sort of thing. 14:36:58
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav Exactly. Should be easily possible. 14:37:19
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm I'll try that and see if I can compile the windows version of vimix 14:37:25
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav Ah I see, vimix wasn't really tested on Windows at all. 14:37:36
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav Shouldn't be too hard to make it build though. 14:37:52
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm I just love that glmixer is so compact and simple to install 14:38:07
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm I don't have the knowledge to compile properly, I think is the issue with attempting vimix 14:38:53
@_discord_369371274360913920:t2bot.iospectrelm Any guidance to assist me in solving that? 14:40:15
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav Really depends on how the application is written in regards to platform-specific code. If it's using POSIX APIs in some places, these won't usually work on Windows. MinGW can be an option, but ideally, the code should compile on all three desktop platforms equally well. Would have to look at the code and build system to tell you more. 15:57:59
@_discord_385011551431557120:t2bot.iocodav Looking at the source, I don't see any obvious reason why it shouldn't compile on Windows. Getting the dependencies is probably the biggest part, but all the libs are available via vcpkg. Then it comes down to compiler-specific stuff etc, and the actual packaging. 18:35:37

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