10 Jun 2023 |
| fr_g changed their display name from Fr_g to fr_g#0. | 10:26:01 |
| fr_g changed their display name from fr_g#0 to fr_g. | 10:26:05 |
| chuckfindley joined the room. | 11:39:33 |
| @anal_child_paradise:matrix.org joined the room. | 21:14:49 |
| @anal_child_paradise:matrix.org left the room. | 22:04:45 |
| xbdm changed their display name from xbdm#6969 to xbdm#0. | 23:33:53 |
| xbdm changed their display name from xbdm#0 to xbdm. | 23:34:02 |
11 Jun 2023 |
| @elaskon:matrix.org joined the room. | 00:02:19 |
| @elaskon:matrix.org left the room. | 00:02:32 |
| yaoi.gov joined the room. | 05:22:43 |
| Maurischa joined the room. | 13:36:37 |
| Fr_g left the room. | 16:05:44 |
12 Jun 2023 |
| @jimbill9283:matrix.org joined the room. | 00:52:54 |
| @jimbill9283:matrix.org left the room. | 00:53:43 |
| IndiCrypto joined the room. | 06:07:46 |
| t7devu joined the room. | 14:14:31 |
| @bertna1:matrix.org joined the room. | 15:26:22 |
| @bertna1:matrix.org left the room. | 15:33:28 |
| @himthom:matrix.org joined the room. | 23:20:09 |
| @himthom:matrix.org joined the room. | 23:36:15 |
| @himthom:matrix.org left the room. | 23:36:16 |
13 Jun 2023 |
| 0bfuscated joined the room. | 12:59:39 |
| fr_g changed their display name from fr_g to fr_g#0. | 20:33:36 |
| fr_g changed their display name from fr_g#0 to fr_g. | 20:33:40 |
14 Jun 2023 |
| teengeiler joined the room. | 03:27:38 |
| teengeiler | 04:44:52 |
| teengeiler removed their display name teengeiler. | 04:44:59 |
| teengeiler left the room. | 04:45:12 |
| ALI1360 سایز بزرگ و کلفتم joined the room. | 06:51:32 |
| @smguy:matrix.org joined the room. | 19:09:48 |