
Godot Engine

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16 Apr 2024
@hatbringer:matrix.orgHatbringerMeant to say the Godot Space, not the discord space02:41:36
@deiabo:matrix.org@deiabo:matrix.org left the room.02:47:21
@ali111111:matrix.orgali111111 set a profile picture.07:01:53
@unicorny9205:matrix.orgunicorny9205 joined the room.08:53:31
@gamerkold:matrix.orgKodin changed their display name from gamerkold to Kodin.09:09:25
@ali111111:matrix.orgali111111 changed their profile picture.09:49:39
@ali111111:matrix.orgali111111 changed their profile picture.09:58:19
@tartyprout:matrix.orgTartyProut joined the room.13:35:24
@omega_haxors:matrix.orgOmega Haxors [he/him/they] changed their display name from Omega Haxors to Omega Haxors [he/him/they].15:02:10
@bootsraingear:matrix.org@bootsraingear:matrix.org left the room.15:23:12
@sandyx:matrix.org@sandyx:matrix.org left the room.19:42:18
@hatbringer:matrix.orgHatbringerDid anyone do LD55 this year? How'd it go?23:52:56
17 Apr 2024
@aroy:matrix.aroy-art.comAroy 🐾 (She/Her)Yes my team did. I think it went kind fine didn't get enough time to polish it.06:14:29
@melairz1235:matrix.org@melairz1235:matrix.org left the room.07:33:34
@jimber110:matrix.org@jimber110:matrix.org joined the room.11:38:09
@narayanduttpurohit:matrix.orgNarayan Dutt Purohit joined the room.14:42:47
@narayanduttpurohit:matrix.orgNarayan Dutt Purohit
In reply to @narayanduttpurohit:matrix.org
Poll: Does community feels a need of dedicated GDScript IDE?
better contextual debugging, better writing experience, minimize clutter.
@doaN:matrix.org@doaN:matrix.org left the room.15:02:25
@bengtsts:matrix.orgbengtsts Narayan Dutt Purohit: Between Godot's in-built editor and what can be done when integrated with VSCode-likes, I don't see the point of a dedicated IDE. But I'd be happy to see one. I just wouldn't have a use for it. The Godot dev's probably shouldn't be the ones to make or maintain it though. 16:22:32
@agonnazar:matrix.orgTaylorThe poll is missing mentioning the existing Godot language server, which is what I use (with Helix, but that's not very important). I'd much rather the existing language server implementation be made better than a dedicated IDE or more focus on the in-built editor (I needed to tweak it a bit to make it responsive and to deal with some bugs, it spits out errors if you have the built-in code editor open at the same time as the language server, and I've had a few crashes).20:25:03
@aroy:matrix.aroy-art.comAroy 🐾 (She/Her)
In reply to @aroy:matrix.aroy-art.com
Yes my team did. I think it went kind fine didn't get enough time to polish it.
In reply to @aroy:matrix.aroy-art.com
Sweet! Going to give it a play!
18 Apr 2024
@thompson_plug:matrix.org@thompson_plug:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event00:09:49
@al0fdf:envs.netal0f bengtsts: ^ 01:33:16
@Vortai:matrix.orgVortai banned @thompson_plug:matrix.org@thompson_plug:matrix.org (spammer).04:35:34

Does community feel a need of a dedicated GDScript...?

A language server would be enough for other IDE connoisseurs.

@gamerkold:matrix.orgKodiniirc the editor itself implements the lsp protocol, though I'm unsure of the quality of the implementation09:01:21
@fell:fellr.netFeru changed their display name from Fell to Feru.10:13:50
@level:4d2.orglevel Yeah, it's good. Godot IDE is a good IDE, but...
But sometimes running both the game engine and IDE of your choice is a hassle. Primarily because the engine constantly freezes/crashes after the screen goes blank, files get auto-updated and/or over-written, and finally to lower the system memory footprint and increase battery runtime.
@level:4d2.orglevel * Yeah, it's good. Godot IDE is a good IDE, but...
But sometimes running both the game engine and IDE of your choice is a hassle. Primarily because the engine constantly freezes/crashes after the screen goes blank, files get auto-updated and/or over-written, and a final reason to have a standalone language server is to lower the system memory footprint and increase battery runtime.

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