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23 Jul 2024
@vimvim:matrix.orgvimsquareddoesn't work either12:18:21
@vimvim:matrix.orgvimsquaredjust turns it white again12:20:09
@kyynaama:matrix.noisyf.art@kyynaama:matrix.noisyf.art left the room.15:07:00
@vimvim:matrix.orgvimsquaredi tried with a different shader, just a simple test shader18:22:46
Download image.png
@vimvim:matrix.orgvimsquaredand yeah, like the github repo mentioned: works on rects but not arcs18:23:13
@vimvim:matrix.orgvimsquaredidk how to fix that18:23:24
24 Jul 2024
@hiroshi_mcbride:matrix.orghiroshi_mcbride joined the room.15:56:44
@luckygun:chatwave.orgluckygun joined the room.17:43:46
@luckygun:chatwave.orgluckygun set a profile picture.19:53:18
@skatefrog:envs.netskatefrog set a profile picture.23:01:38
25 Jul 2024
@162sophia:matrix.orgsophia joined the room.04:47:53
@162sophia:matrix.orgsophia changed their display name from 162sophia to sophia.05:00:55
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ set a profile picture.07:54:54
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:09:49
@level:4d2.orglevel Theoretically speaking:
how performant is StringName in GDScript? And by that I mean the performance of a dictionary (or a set?) that holds these strings inside. If that's possible, can someone point me to the source code.
26 Jul 2024
@bengtsts:matrix.orgbengtsts level: There's a small discussion about that here. Beyond that you'd probably have to do a benchmark considering your use case. If it helps, I use String with dictionaries a lot and haven't noticed any performance dip. I don't call them every frame though, only for read/write operations because dictionaries work so well with JSON. 05:56:11
@blackcoffeesludge:matrix.orgblackcoffeesludge joined the room.13:38:15
@level:4d2.orglevelAs always on reddit, the very first comment is full of bullshit. StringName variables are not pointers, they are different variables. Looks like they use some sort of hashmap internally for them not to create multiple copies of the same string (or just for quick comparison?).19:29:46
@blackcoffeesludge:matrix.orgblackcoffeesludgeWhen it comes to dicts and sets, it's O(n) for lookups 19:36:09
@blackcoffeesludge:matrix.orgblackcoffeesludgeAverage is O(1) 19:36:45
@blackcoffeesludge:matrix.orgblackcoffeesludgeSo it should be relatively fast, I don't know why the value in the containers would affect performance19:37:26
@blackcoffeesludge:matrix.orgblackcoffeesludgeJust reading the wiki, StringName are just immutable strings with performance improvements 19:40:01
@logabe:matrix.orglogabe joined the room.22:05:30
@slothlike-wookie:matrix.orgslothlike-wookie joined the room.22:48:09
27 Jul 2024
@sophie1729:matrix.orgsophie joined the room.04:41:40
@sophie1729:matrix.orgsophie changed their display name from sophie1729 to sophie.04:48:13

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