

704 Members
Official Solus Matrix Space59 Servers

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29 May 2024
@maerwald:matrix.orgmaerwald left the room.07:53:53
@baoshi:matrix.orgBaoshi Wang (Baoshi) joined the room.09:26:41
@jefryclan:matrix.orgjefryclan left the room.10:39:50
@ganug:matrix.orgganug joined the room.14:58:13
30 May 2024
@nootrixs:4d2.orgnootrixs joined the room.19:30:43
@amazingness:matrix.orglinux changed their display name from cosmic to linux.22:15:50
1 Jun 2024
@brvtalcake:matrix.orgAxel PASCON joined the room.05:40:50
@brvtalcake:matrix.orgAxel PASCON left the room.05:43:57
@caspergamingone:matrix.orgCasper Gaming One joined the room.08:51:19
@caspergamingone:matrix.orgCasper Gaming One left the room.08:51:26
2 Jun 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.00:25:33
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.00:28:04
@mrebennett0:matrix.orgE Bennett joined the room.00:38:50
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.05:32:04
@mrebennett0:matrix.orgE Bennett left the room.18:56:45
3 Jun 2024
@angeryboi:matrix.organgeryboi changed their profile picture.13:02:27
4 Jun 2024
@nava1992004:matrix.orgJee Key joined the room.08:31:00
@cerem0ny:matrix.orgcerem0ny joined the room.14:02:07
@fil62fx:matrix.orgfil62fx joined the room.14:44:53
@fil62fx:matrix.orgfil62fx left the room.14:45:55
@philippe62141:club1.frphilippe62141 joined the room.15:10:35
@jak3b:matrix.orgjak3b left the room.15:37:15
5 Jun 2024
@fierybolt:matrix.orgfierybolt joined the room.14:15:51
6 Jun 2024
@xwd1314:matrix.org谢文东 joined the room.08:45:19
@stigarn:matrix.orgstigarn changed their display name from stigarn (androidnisse) to stigarn.14:02:19
7 Jun 2024
@addisonh:matrix.orgAddison joined the room.14:32:48
@jautero:matrix.eipystyilman.beerJuha joined the room.15:37:28
@ezzobirbezziou:matrix.orgEzzobir Bezziou set a profile picture.22:15:40
8 Jun 2024
@baushr:matrix.orgBauShr Wang joined the room.04:17:46
9 Jun 2024
@thatoneperson001:matrix.orgthatoneperson001 joined the room.01:33:04

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