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27 Jul 2024
In reply to @tivg:matrix.org
Do you guys use any alternative for Google personal safety app?
Wich app is that?
In reply to @tivg:matrix.org

There is a bug in color Profile Switcher. The Neutral and the saturated Profile has the same colors.

Moto G32 Devon.

In reply to @erupt9776:matrix.org
Wich app is that?
@tivg:matrix.orgLokiFor emergency situations like car crash detection and location sharing.03:36:41
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeAndroid settings > Safety and emergency > Emergency SOS > Turn on03:39:03
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeNow when you click 5 times on power button you call police03:39:51
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeJust check if the number of your contry is correct03:40:10
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeLocations sharing you can use:03:42:23
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeOwnTracks (Your location companion) https://f-droid.org/packages/org.owntracks.android/03:42:30
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeLocus (Share your location end-to-end encrypted on decentralized servers using Nostr) https://f-droid.org/packages/app.myzel394.locus/03:42:48
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoe Hey @nickcalyx:matrix.org: and @cdesai:matrix.org: 03:45:55
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeI know I had some polemics with you03:45:56
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeBut now my polemics is with QubesOS03:45:56
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeRedacted or Malformed Event03:46:23
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeNot only you, everyone here can go see the discussion03:46:42
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeTell me if you agree or not03:46:49
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeFor me It's a fucking security issue03:47:06
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeA big one03:47:08
In reply to @erupt9776:matrix.org
But now my polemics is with QubesOS
That's still very off topic for this channel
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdesaiLet's kindly stick to only discussing CalyxOS here, thanks!03:48:59
In reply to @erupt9776:matrix.org
Locations sharing you can use:
Thank you!
@telegram_185521971:calyx.devfilleroo (Telegram)I've set default usb config to file transfer, but somehow whenever i plug my phone into my laptop, the default selected action is 'no data transfer'04:03:38
@telegram_185521971:calyx.devfilleroo (Telegram)* I've set 'default usb config' in dev options to file transfer, but somehow whenever i plug my phone into my laptop, the default selected action is 'no data transfer'04:03:54
@telegram_185521971:calyx.devfilleroo (Telegram)should i open an issue for this04:04:09
@telegram_639496695:calyx.devKekkoDance (Telegram)
In reply to Ford Prefect (Telegram)
They said it's enables for all phones :/
they said the same for me and then 30 mins later it started working
@telegram_639496695:calyx.devKekkoDance (Telegram)we don't have the same carrier but there's definitely something they can touch in the backend04:23:45
@telegram_639496695:calyx.devKekkoDance (Telegram)so call again and ask again04:23:57
@telegram_639496695:calyx.devKekkoDance (Telegram)tell them the model of the phone and make sure to tell them "but it works for my dad and he's on the same carrier with my same phone"04:24:36
@telegram_639496695:calyx.devKekkoDance (Telegram)* tell them the model of the phone and make sure to tell them "but it works for my dad and he's on the same carrier with my same phone model"04:25:01
@telegram_15643061:calyx.dev°×° (Telegram) joined the room.04:56:25

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