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16 Feb 2025
In reply to @lockdog:matrix.org
OK you're clicking to check for updates?
@lockdog:matrix.orglockdogI think that is also longer than 2 years haha02:06:00
In reply to @lockdog:matrix.org
I think that is also longer than 2 years haha
Yeah 😆
In reply to @lucasmz:catgirl.cloud
OK you're clicking to check for updates?
Are you in Wi-Fi, mobile data?
@lucasmz:catgirl.cloudlucasmzIf you're in a metered network you can set allowed networks to any to bypass that02:07:07
In reply to @woof5326:tchncs.de
Do stock roms have some special drivers for printing? I have a netwrok printer (usb printer connected to a rasp pi with cups) that gets easily discovered and works on phones with stock google roms. But my 2 phones running calyx os have trouble discovering them, sometimes they see the printer sometimes they don't and overall its just unreliable.
I'm assuming the drivers are in the kernel, much like Linux.  
@lockdog:matrix.orglockdogI use mobile data. i thought the version might be so old that i can no longer update it via a downloadable update and have to reinstall the whole OS now02:09:55
@lockdog:matrix.orglockdogsorry i overlooked the message, yes i did morelas 02:10:46
@lockdog:matrix.orglockdog* sorry i overlooked the message, yes i did several times02:11:11
In reply to @lockdog:matrix.org
I use mobile data.
i thought the version might be so old that i can no longer update it via a downloadable update and have to reinstall the whole OS now
Ah then you just have to set "Allowed networks" in the updater settings to any
@lucasmz:catgirl.cloudlucasmzAlso just make sure you haven't firewalled the updater02:12:24
@lockdog:matrix.orglockdogthank you, now it downloads :)02:12:49
In reply to @woof5326:tchncs.de
Do stock roms have some special drivers for printing? I have a netwrok printer (usb printer connected to a rasp pi with cups) that gets easily discovered and works on phones with stock google roms. But my 2 phones running calyx os have trouble discovering them, sometimes they see the printer sometimes they don't and overall its just unreliable.
What version are them on
@lucasmz:catgirl.cloudlucasmzIt used to work for me IIRC maybe it's a new bug?02:19:26
In reply to @rom-antiker:matrix.org
Is there an easy way to stream my CalyxOS screen to my LG oled TV?
CalyxOS is Android so I would check how the procedure is to Android and see if it works
@telegram_634560080:calyx.devabhishek (Telegram)
In reply to @nickcalyx:matrix.org
I just tested netflix on a g52, with netflix version 9.2.1 ( whatever is offered by aurora store ) calyxos 6.4.1 . no problem, started watching a show and got no error
Any changes needed in microg?
@lucasmz:catgirl.cloudlucasmzdo you have it enabled05:32:15
@telegram_634560080:calyx.devabhishek (Telegram)Yes05:41:34
@telegram_634560080:calyx.devabhishek (Telegram)In second user with no sim05:41:49
@lucasmz:catgirl.cloudlucasmzis that where netflix also is05:44:06
@telegram_634560080:calyx.devabhishek (Telegram)Yes06:10:41
@telegram_634560080:calyx.devabhishek (Telegram)Tried with sim also06:10:52
@telegram_634560080:calyx.devabhishek (Telegram)Same error06:10:57
@telegram_634560080:calyx.devabhishek (Telegram)* Tried main profile with sim also06:11:12
@telegram_634560080:calyx.devabhishek (Telegram)* Tried main profile with sim and no microg also same error06:11:48
@mario89:matrix.orgMariobrosGuys, hypatia no longer downloads databases...06:18:51
@telegram_1077684141:calyx.devSPOK (Telegram)So when my p9proxl starts, Google shows the warning that another operating system is loading... It gives a link and I'm assuming a tracking number that you give them... Does this allow Google to remotely hijack the phone even with calyx installed? Can the devs remove this warning as well as the Google logo that shows during startup?06:33:13
In reply to @mario89:matrix.org
Guys, hypatia no longer downloads databases...
Hypatia now looking for new maintainer so yeah it stop development at this moment.

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