

52 Members
Mobile matrix client, written with Flutter - Beta: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.sputnikmessenger, Website: https://sputnik-messenger.com, 12 Servers

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16 Aug 2019
@forgemo:sputnik-messenger.comMo (old 2)changed room power levels.10:40:00
@forgemo:sputnik-messenger.comMo (old 2) left the room.10:40:23
Download Screenshot_2019-08-17-00-26-41.png
@progserega:rsprim.ru@progserega:rsprim.rurussian text is bigger then english...14:28:04
@progserega:rsprim.ru@progserega:rsprim.rubut only in chat window. In head, in edit window - it is have normal size.14:29:56
@forgemo:mos.appMo πŸ›°
In reply to @progserega:rsprim.ru
russian text is bigger then english...
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ .... that's a funny bug. it thinks russian characters are emojies.
@forgemo:mos.appMo πŸ›°I will fix it with the next release14:55:24
@murz:ru-matrix.org@murz:ru-matrix.org Only russian Ρ‘ is emoji :) 15:00:36
@forgemo:mos.appMo πŸ›°
In reply to @murz:ru-matrix.org
Only russian Ρ‘ is emoji :)
because of the two eyes, right? πŸ˜…
In reply to @forgemo:mos.app
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ .... that's a funny bug. it thinks russian characters are emojies.
In reply to @forgemo:mos.app
because of the two eyes, right? πŸ˜…
17 Aug 2019
@forgemo:mos.appMo πŸ›°I fixed the issue with russian text in the latest release. :) πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ’ͺπŸŽ‰12:15:12
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew joined the room.20:54:31
@deepbluev7:neko.devNico joined the room.20:56:20
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewthis looks very cool :) bubbles!20:56:59
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewwhat sdk (if any) does it use?20:57:13
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewah, flutter20:57:46
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewis it using matrix-dart-sdk?20:58:35
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew(matrix is misspelt as martix on https://sputnik-messenger.com)20:58:49
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewah, sputnik-dart-sdk20:59:29
@forgemo:mos.appMo πŸ›°
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
(matrix is misspelt as martix on https://sputnik-messenger.com)
🀣 how embarrassing
@forgemo:mos.appMo πŸ›°
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
ah, sputnik-dart-sdk
exactly, it's a custom sdk, written specifilally for sputnik.
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewnice :)21:04:01
@forgemo:mos.appMo πŸ›°
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
ah, sputnik-dart-sdk
* exactly, it's a custom sdk, written specifically for sputnik.
@deepbluev7:neko.devNicoDid you document somewhere, why in the end you decided to go with websockets instead of SSE? Would be interesting, since there is a proposal to use SSE for an alternative sync endpoint in matrix21:12:11
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewwhere are websockets being used?21:12:59
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew(there is also a websocket proposal for matrix)21:13:22
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew(but people tend not to bother with it as it doesn’t buy that much)21:13:45
@forgemo:mos.appMo πŸ›°
In reply to @deepbluev7:neko.dev
Did you document somewhere, why in the end you decided to go with websockets instead of SSE? Would be interesting, since there is a proposal to use SSE for an alternative sync endpoint in matrix
Hm no real documentation, only some messages of my progress spread over this rooms timeline. I might write a little article about my findings, though.
@forgemo:mos.appMo πŸ›°The main point for using web sockets over sse was that it allows me to detect broken tcp connections. This is a big issuue with flaky connections and a device that want't to sleep all the time :) .21:18:00

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