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18 Jan 2022
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light WorkerDownload to the police.mp413:45:45
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light WorkerMassive work is being done, globally, to being about the end of this Tyranny13:45:47
@benoved:matrix.orgLeoExtremely important message : Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXjvCcYpSY014:10:35
@monkey:nerdsin.spacemonkey Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates
@freeuser999:converser.eufreeuser999In Germany people hitting the streets every Monday starting at 6pm to protest vax mandates and covid restrictions. They call it "Spaziergang" which means go for a walk and it is mostly not officially declared protests. They even protest when its not allowed, which is something Germans don't do normally. The numbers are growing every week, I think this Monday they were not growing due to bad weather conditions , but generally of the last weeks they're growing. The impact is not big enough yet to stop all this nonsense but it is a good start. The problem that the authorities have, is, these gatherings are in fact peacefully and this would lead to more and more people joining. So the authorities bring in the required violence by introducing the police forces. Already the forces are on high load, but as of now they're still able to mange all kind of situations and produce the images of the omnipotent state which is wanted as well. To undermine the strategies of the government and the local authorities an idea came to my mind that in order to beat the authorities , the strategy must be in a way which makes it low effort for the people while the effort for the authorities to stop them must be very high. So I was thinking what if people would start doing these walks in their own village, street, or part of town/city. With more than 30,000 villages this could create 30,000 walks and more if you count all the potential parts of cities, so that in a city like Berlin you could have like 1000 independent walks.So maybe we could get like more 100,000 independent gatherings and walks across the whole country. Again the effort would be very low, as for the participants it would be like going outside and meet in a place 1 - to 10 minutes away from their homes and walk like 15 to 30 minutes. The effort is even so low that if people get excited and motivated this could be done twice a day, morning and evening(before and after work), which will ultimately bring the police-state to its limits. And after people are getting used to walk every day with their neighbors it is much easier to get them to attend to the bigger events on Monday or other action days. What do you think? Is this the way? And if it is, could you help to spread this idea further to stop this covid nightmare?14:44:06
@freeuser999:converser.eufreeuser999 * In Germany people hitting the streets every Monday starting at 6pm to protest vax mandates and covid restrictions. They call it "Spaziergang" which means go for a walk and it is mostly not officially declared protests. They even protest when its not allowed, which is something Germans don't do normally. The numbers are growing every week, I think this Monday they were not growing due to bad weather conditions , but generally of the last weeks they're growing. The impact is not big enough yet to stop all this nonsense but it is a good start. The problem that the authorities have, is, these gatherings are in fact peacefully and this would lead to more and more people joining. So the authorities bring in the required violence by introducing the police forces. Already the forces are on high load, but as of now they're still able to mange all kind of situations and produce the images of the omnipotent state which is wanted as well. To undermine the strategies of the government and the local authorities an idea came to my mind that in order to beat the authorities , the strategy must be in a way which makes it low effort for the people while the effort for the authorities to stop them must be very high. So I was thinking what if people would start doing these walks in their own village, street, or part of town/city. With more than 30,000 villages this could create 30,000 walks and more if you count all the potential parts of cities, so that in a city like Berlin you could have like 1000 independent walks. So maybe we could get like more 100,000 independent gatherings and walks across the whole country. Again the effort would be very low, as for the participants it would be like going outside and meet in a place 1 - to 10 minutes away from their homes and walk like 15 to 30 minutes. The effort is even so low that if people get excited and motivated this could be done twice a day, morning and evening(before and after work), which will ultimately bring the police-state to its limits. And after people are getting used to walk every day with their neighbors it is much easier to get them to attend to the bigger events on Monday or other action days. What do you think? Is this the way? And if it is, could you help to spread this idea further to stop this covid nightmare?14:44:23
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Worker
In reply to @benoved:matrix.org
Extremely important message :
Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates
Well done ..... most of us have heard of that test experiment where people shocked others (or so they were lead to believe) but I had not heard the part that others who saw the act of courage and disobedience and thus NOT shocking the other dropping the number from 65% down to 10%. (of those still obeying)
@monkey:nerdsin.spacemonkey Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates
@lolibsd:cutefunny.artBSD/loli changed their profile picture.17:34:59
Download image
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Workerhttps://www.brighteon.com/351d21aa-ddad-4ebb-b726-8eab6559b7c320:09:03
Download image
In reply to @antepost:matrix.org
There is an agency in Poland investigating bribery. They have started checking those advisers income, who do they get paid from etc. Couple of days later 13 out of 17 run away like pussies. There it is entire story. Big pharma pays them a lot. In an every country in a world you have similar situation now.
In reply to @conjure:matrix.org
There is an agency in Poland investigating bribery. They have started checking those advisers income, who do they get paid from etc. Couple of days later 13 out of 17 run away like pussies. There it is entire story. Big pharma pays them a lot. In an every country in a world you have similar situation now.
Trust the plan? Really?
In reply to @conjure:matrix.org
There is an agency in Poland investigating bribery. They have started checking those advisers income, who do they get paid from etc. Couple of days later 13 out of 17 run away like pussies. There it is entire story. Big pharma pays them a lot. In an every country in a world you have similar situation now.
* Trust the plan? Really? When do they get arrested? In two weeks?
In reply to @freeuser999:converser.eu
In Germany people hitting the streets every Monday starting at 6pm to protest vax mandates and covid restrictions. They call it "Spaziergang" which means go for a walk and it is mostly not officially declared protests. They even protest when its not allowed, which is something Germans don't do normally. The numbers are growing every week, I think this Monday they were not growing due to bad weather conditions , but generally of the last weeks they're growing. The impact is not big enough yet to stop all this nonsense but it is a good start. The problem that the authorities have, is, these gatherings are in fact peacefully and this would lead to more and more people joining. So the authorities bring in the required violence by introducing the police forces. Already the forces are on high load, but as of now they're still able to mange all kind of situations and produce the images of the omnipotent state which is wanted as well. To undermine the strategies of the government and the local authorities an idea came to my mind that in order to beat the authorities , the strategy must be in a way which makes it low effort for the people while the effort for the authorities to stop them must be very high. So I was thinking what if people would start doing these walks in their own village, street, or part of town/city. With more than 30,000 villages this could create 30,000 walks and more if you count all the potential parts of cities, so that in a city like Berlin you could have like 1000 independent walks. So maybe we could get like more 100,000 independent gatherings and walks across the whole country. Again the effort would be very low, as for the participants it would be like going outside and meet in a place 1 - to 10 minutes away from their homes and walk like 15 to 30 minutes. The effort is even so low that if people get excited and motivated this could be done twice a day, morning and evening(before and after work), which will ultimately bring the police-state to its limits. And after people are getting used to walk every day with their neighbors it is much easier to get them to attend to the bigger events on Monday or other action days. What do you think? Is this the way? And if it is, could you help to spread this idea further to stop this covid nightmare?
Don't want to discourage anyone. But all this "it will fix itself" suggestions have turned out to be a nothing burger. Anyway, what you guys think of the professionalized "Spaziergang" solution I have described above?
@pirateman:kde.orgpirateman joined the room.23:11:53
@pirateman:kde.orgpiratemanTry https://matrix.to/#/#thefreedomcellnetwork:halogen.city23:12:37
@antepost:matrix.org.ยก๐– ๐—‡๐—๐–พ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐—ยก.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Hk79OmGSRA23:21:30
@monkey:nerdsin.spacemonkey Germany's Monday COVID 'Strolls' Continue | NTD UK News
@monkey:nerdsin.spacemonkey I DONโ€™T Hate To Say Itโ€ฆStraight Up I TOLD YOU SO!!!
19 Jan 2022
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Workerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzVziB-e_eg01:58:12
@monkey:nerdsin.spacemonkey Television Watching News Believer - Conspiracy Music Guru
@h-var:matrix.orgH-varDownload TikMate_online_definitelynotmattsalt.mp409:46:28
@juurlithex2:matrix.orgjuurlithex2ahahahahahahaha wtf 10:56:59
@neothejoker24:matrix.org@neothejoker24:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:48:42

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