
πŸ’ŠRed Pill and/or real-life stuff that can be political but doesn't necessarily have to be but isn't necessarily news either

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31 Jan 2022
@monkey:nerdsin.spacemonkey mRNA vaccine under microscope
Download eca33864a6525969.jpeg
@fire-elemental:matrix.orgfire-elemental joined the room.06:00:45
@silvers:matrix.org@silvers:matrix.org joined the room.07:05:53
@silvers:matrix.org@silvers:matrix.org left the room.07:06:48
@h-var:matrix.org@h-var:matrix.orgDownload TikMate_online_gods-terrarium _1_.mp408:34:21
@h-var:matrix.org@h-var:matrix.orgDownload TikMate_online_monster-huntresss.mp408:34:37
@h-var:matrix.org@h-var:matrix.orgDownload TikMate_online_monster-huntresss (1).mp408:50:00
@monkey:nerdsin.spacemonkey THE GREAT BARRIER The Ice Wall 1927
@h-var:matrix.org@h-var:matrix.orgDownload TikMate_online_skinnbob.mp410:11:11
Download image
@panvo:matrix.org@panvo:matrix.org left the room.12:17:23
@selfsource:matrix.org@selfsource:matrix.orgThe Truckers Protest is a Psy-Op! Best thing you can do is share the intel, make people aware of it and resist/protest/not comply in your own way. Even better, start pulling away from their systems and create more free communitues with like minded people. https://bartoll.se/2022/01/staged-fr33dom-convoy-psy-op/13:13:06
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777lol are you serious bro13:40:58
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777those evil truckers! they are the real enemies!!!!!!!!!!!13:41:15
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777yeah the slight spiral in what ever logo there really secretly represents 6666666666 LORD EVIL SATAN!!! all part of satan's master plan!!!!!!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯13:42:32
In reply to @ff777:nerdsin.space
lol are you serious bro

Well if you wish to bury your head in the sand feel free. Or perhaps you just don't want people questioning things because it doesn't fit the main agenda.

But really, if something is genuine, why would it fear being questioned? People only surpress questioning because they know something will be exposed if they don't.

@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777changed room power levels.14:18:26
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777it's time to supress your freedom of speech.. how dare you question the MAIN AGENDA!!... i'm going to go bury my brain in the sand now..14:19:58
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light WorkerDownload we are the majority.mp415:20:24
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Worker

The Best IS yet to come. ☝️
This..... is just the beginning.


@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Worker

From Nov 2020 things have exploded on so many fronts. But things are coming into the light on all those fronts.

  • Election Fraud
  • PLANdemic Hoax
  • Media controlled Speech
  • Big Tech is an enemy
  • Biden is a Fake (double of what ever)
  • Global military tactics confusing ... what is really going on
  • White Hats vs Black Hats --- who is who?

The one thing that is not hitting back at deep state hard enough is Human Trafficking. G. Maxwell as example.
Very little news.... and sadly not much promoting by the awake.
I wont get Admin angry by sharing links to video's that I have already shared, but I will say, as crazy as you may think I am personally, the 4 video series of taking back control of the narrative by using Human Trafficking as OUR weapon against them will work. The strategy in those four videos is solid and doable.

@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light WorkerThe challenge in getting the strategy in those videos going is not that they wont work...... No, the challenge is breaking the habits we all have of promoting drama, promoting fear stories and promoting the knowledge we have gained in our individual research. The awakened are in a brain lock on those points. We need proactive "Offence" strategies against the perpetrators. We do not need more intel, nor do we need more fear based stories around the mrna killer shot. The challenge in getting those videos going is they take work. They take action..... It is my hope the Trucker movement will inspire people to take action to get back media control and hit deep state with a full exposure of Human Trafficking. We Are The Ones We Are Waiting For. 15:46:17
@neil_sperling_twistedlightworker:matrix.orgTwisted Light Worker * The challenge in getting the strategy in those videos going is not that they wont work...... No, the challenge is breaking the habits we all have of promoting drama, promoting fear stories and promoting the knowledge we have gained in our individual research. The awakened are in a brain lock on those points. We need proactive "Offence" strategies against the perpetrators. We do not need more intel, nor do we need more fear based stories around the mrna killer shot. The challenge in getting those videos going is they take work. They take action..... It is my hope the Trucker movement will inspire people to take action to get back media control and hit deep state with a full exposure of Human Trafficking. NO longer defence - it is time to attack peacefully..... just like those four videos state. We Are The Ones We Are Waiting For. 15:46:55
Download 213660325_352661462921384_1664550119108160284_n.jpg
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777changed room power levels.17:00:41
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777changed room power levels.17:01:05
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777changed room power levels.17:01:13

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