
Aegis Authenticator

396 Members
Discussion surrounding the development of Aegis Authenticator48 Servers

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27 Apr 2024
@krisu:matrix.orgkrisu (aegis-icons maintainer)

Hi, I think Aegis should in the next release change the aegis-icons link to README section of icon packs.

Since I'm uncertain that if I continue the aegis-icons project (not at least until I have gratuated and even then not sure) and so many people don't know that there's other options (for example: https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis/issues/1361#issue-2260233958), it would be more useful to guide people to those options.

I added the link to that README section on top of the aegis-icons site.

28 Apr 2024
@blackmath:matrix.orgPavan Kumar Pothula joined the room.02:10:06
30 Apr 2024
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakker krisu (aegis-icons maintainer): Thanks for the heads-up. We'll think about what to do here. Perhaps a link to the readme, or perhaps the icon list deserves a spot on https://getaegis.app. For now your icon pack is probably still the best even though it hasn't seen updates for a while. Good luck with your studies! 16:51:20
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakker * krisu (aegis-icons maintainer): Thanks for the heads-up. We'll think about what to do here. Perhaps a link to the readme, or perhaps the icon pack list deserves a spot on https://getaegis.app. For now your icon pack is probably still the best even though it hasn't seen updates for a while. Good luck with your studies! 16:52:59
4 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org joined the room.02:33:48
5 May 2024
@jayler95:matrix.org@jayler95:matrix.org changed their display name from Jayler to nostradamusdemileto.16:26:24
@jayler95:matrix.org@jayler95:matrix.org changed their profile picture.16:26:41
6 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org changed their profile picture.06:23:00
@fitik:matrix.orgFitikšŸ¤šŸ©µšŸ¤[ENG/RUS/HEB/EPO] joined the room.20:54:17
8 May 2024
@ainsviumar:matrix.org@ainsviumar:matrix.org joined the room.17:32:12
@ainsviumar:matrix.org@ainsviumar:matrix.org joined the room.17:32:18
@ainsviumar:matrix.org@ainsviumar:matrix.org left the room.17:32:25
9 May 2024
@divinedragoon:kde.orgNoct Hello, when creating a vault is the password I choose the same used to encrypt backups or simply one to access the app/totps? 15:40:17
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.orgI believe it is by default, you can also choose for them to have separate ones in backup settings15:43:25
@divinedragoon:kde.orgNoct Ok thank you, didnā€™t want to create a super long pass just to get into the app xd 15:54:05
In reply to @divinedragoon:kde.org
Ok thank you, didnā€™t want to create a super long pass just to get into the app xd
You can try using a fingerprint instead, just so Aegis doesn't ask for a password when opening.
@divinedragoon:kde.orgNoct Yeah, Iā€™d prefer not to use biometrics but Iā€™ll play around with it some more 16:55:28
11 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org changed their profile picture.21:53:30
13 May 2024
@jmora1337:matrix.orgJose Mora joined the room.06:39:40
@jmora1337:matrix.orgJose Morahi guys, im looking to contribute to aegis by fixing some bugs. anyone know a good first bug to squash?06:47:42
14 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org changed their profile picture.13:19:28
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org changed their profile picture.13:20:47
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org changed their profile picture.13:22:59
@jayler95:matrix.org@jayler95:matrix.org changed their display name from nostradamusdemileto to Nostradamus de Mileto.18:26:02
16 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org set their display name to Lucas.07:35:28
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org changed their display name from Lucas to Lucas āˆž.08:19:19
@ataemus:matrix.orgataemus removed their profile picture.12:17:17
@ataemus:matrix.orgataemus changed their display name from ataemus to ataemus1.12:17:25
@ataemus:matrix.orgataemus changed their display name from ataemus1 to ataemus.12:36:28
20 May 2024
@demi_frank:matrix.orgdemi_frank joined the room.15:51:59

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