
Aegis Authenticator

396 Members
Discussion surrounding the development of Aegis Authenticator48 Servers

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20 May 2024
In reply to @jmora1337:matrix.org
hi guys, im looking to contribute to aegis by fixing some bugs. anyone know a good first bug to squash?
I got one for you. Really fresh, not mentioned before, made by me half an hour ago.
@demi_frank:matrix.orgdemi_frankHello to everyone, btw. If some dev, or programming proficient fella sees this bug report, please help.15:57:17
In reply to @jmora1337:matrix.org
hi guys, im looking to contribute to aegis by fixing some bugs. anyone know a good first bug to squash?
* I got one for you. Really fresh, never mentioned before in github, made by me half an hour ago.
27 May 2024
@lvngbythswrd:matrix.org@lvngbythswrd:matrix.org joined the room.11:26:02
@lvngbythswrd:matrix.org@lvngbythswrd:matrix.org left the room.11:27:34
29 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org changed their display name from Lucas ∞ to Mel ∞.15:48:18
30 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org changed their display name from Mel ∞ to luke ∞.22:46:44
31 May 2024
@paerewyckd:matrix.orgFransken Bouwer joined the room.06:49:06
@urkobein:matrix.urkob.comUrko joined the room.07:21:39
@urkobein:matrix.urkob.comUrkoHello. I have one question I don't know whether has been asked yet. I lost my phone couple weeks ago but I have an aegis encrypted backup. I tried to import to authme but needed to be unencrypted. Is there any CLI tool to unencrypt the backup json file so I can import it to authme? Thanks so much :)07:23:09
@elliotwutingfeng:matrix.orgWu Tingfenghttps://github.com/alexbakker/aegis-tools by one of the co-authors.07:45:25
3 Jun 2024
@urkobein:matrix.urkob.comUrkothanks guys! I will take a look by the end of this week, don't have enough time right now :D16:37:16
6 Jun 2024
@thegamerx:matrix.org@thegamerx:matrix.org set their display name to @Darkii:matrix.org.18:39:43
@thegamerx:matrix.org@thegamerx:matrix.org changed their display name from @Darkii:matrix.org to Darkii.18:42:55
10 Jun 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org left the room.01:58:18
12 Jun 2024
@tztz8:matrix.orgtztz8 joined the room.04:50:36
13 Jun 2024
@steffospieler:steffo.devSteffoso, I can't unlock my Aegis anymore. When unlocking, it freezes for a few seconds, then goes into a blackscreen.20:22:57
@steffospieler:steffo.devSteffoVersion 3.0.120:23:09
@steffospieler:steffo.devSteffonevermind, restarting the phone fixed it.20:38:23
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenHappy to hear restarting the phone helped. I assume the issue occurred because your phone ran out of memory 20:44:13
@steffospieler:steffo.devSteffoweirdly enough I didn't have any open app22:51:00
14 Jun 2024
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakker Steffo: Are you running a beta version of Android, by any chance? https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis/issues/1342 08:04:24
@steffospieler:steffo.devSteffooh wait no, I thought you meant the app11:01:16
@steffospieler:steffo.devSteffo I'm running 14 (AP2A.240605.024) 11:01:32
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenInteresting, please let us know if it happens again11:33:09
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenWe also just released a new beta version! https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis/releases/tag/v3.1-beta111:36:10
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenWhich includes a new audit log, the ability to rename groups and the group selection will now be saved again. Besides that a couple stability and UI improvements.11:37:35
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenWe already pushed this version to the beta channel on Google Play and will be available shortly. If everything goes smoothly we expect to do a full release very soon.11:38:17

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